Jesus [i]fuck[/i] you guys are chatty and made me wade through a lot of nonsense. Here's everyone's favourite angry swordswoman. [hider=Syzi the Unpronouncable] Appearance: She's pretty much a standard salamander. Red lizard tail with a flame curling at the end, red scaled 'socks' and 'gloves,' with claws at the ends of both of them, long red hair that tumbles down around her shoulders... She eschews pretty much all sorts of armour and indeed clothing- she's firmly of the opinion that lighter you are, the faster you are, and the faster you are, the more lethal you are. She's a blaze of red and steel on the battlefield. Name: Syszi, Sysi or Syzi depending on who you are, how well you can pronounce names, and how literate you are. Race: Salamander Magic/Abilities/Equipment: Syzi is really, really good at fighting. As in, 'can single handedly stand against one of the greatest knights the Order has, and come out on top' good at fighting. 'Duelled a dragon and beat the bitch' good at fighting. 'Went through numerous towns and villages without breaking a sweat' kind of fighting. She's been trained to fight from before she could talk by her mother, and the fact that she's a wondering Salamadner means her blade has never gotten dull. Her blade, whilst unnamed, is her most cherished possesion, and if she gets separated from it she can often feel helpless and intensely distressed, unless she occupies herself with punching her way to whoever took the blade. If her sword ever got [i]broken,[/i] it's likely that she would probably go on a murderous rampage. She can get like that. Personality: Thanks to Mark's antics, Syszi is not the same as other monstergirls. Instead of being extremely violent and lustful, she's now slightly less violent and content in constantly trying to get Mark to shag her. She is, however, arrogant, stubborn, a tactical genius in squad and single combat, and mischievous, albeit bad at being mischievous, and tends to just be annoying when she tries to be a trickster. Background: Whilst Syzi's story begins with her being born, as the stories of all living things are wont to do, Syzi's actual story begins with her attacking numerous frontier towns on her own, challenging pretty much every male villager within to a duel, and single-handedly thrashing most of them. Whilst the stories of her quickly spread, the details became murky fast, and she turned from a mamono searching for a husband into a semi-mythical figure, who left towns burning, the menfolk defiled and/or dead. This was not what was actually happening, but she was happy for the story to spread, as it meant that her opponents fought all the more harder. Sadly, at least to her, apart from a few guards, nobody could put up a fight worth the time it would take to beat them, and she ended up wandering pretty aimlessly, duelling anyone who ended up trying to kill her, leaving them with scars and embarrassment, but finding herself ultimately unfufilled in her goals. This was, of course, until Order arrived, in the form of Marxello. The duel between him and her was fast, brutal, and ended up with both of them worse for wear, but by using the spirits imbued within his sword, the knight had managed to scrape a victory, breaking pretty much every bone in her body as she did so, before cleansing her soul and binding her to him. The binding, however, wasn't really done properly. Whilst she couldn't harm the man himself, she could hurt everyone and anyone else, and she was taken prisoner back to the Order headquarters, where the binding was tweaked so that against Mark and other members of the order, she couldn't land a killing blow, but she was still free to engage in duels with them, which she did so, finally getting to duel Mark on her own terms. Now without him using magical trickery, the fight was close, but this time ended in a victory for the Salamander, although it had been a tough one, and she was [i]more[/i] than happy to oblige with the fact that Mark needed to test her 'reproductive system,' which was working just fine. Now, since the knight is her husband after all, she follows him around on his missions, acting as a liaison for most of the monsters that the two encounter, protecting him from other monstergirls, and generally killing things he wants dead. [/hider]