On this beautiful planet, with its varied landscapes and ecosystems, there is a tiger on a mountain. With a confident swagger, a glorious white beast of power walks his territory. The air is refreshing and heavy with the moisture from the most recent rainfall. Nearby, water was happily rushing down the river banks, and crashing over the edge of the waterfall. His blue-ish grey eyes took it in, and he breathed the air. It was a good morning to be alive. Eventually turning his attention from the waterfall, he made his way downhill. The swagger continues. To him, this was his castle. Sure, it was ruled by much more powerful humanoids that actually hold a title, but it's not like they ever come to visit. His castle, indeed. And as he walked the well known paths of the area, his hips swayed and his paws hit the ground in a slow but steady rhythm. Dun. Dun dun dun. dun dun dun. dun dun duuuuuuuh. Ah, a song from the older days. It was certainly empowering, even if he was only hearing it inside his own mind. Ahead was a rock jutting up and overlooking the valley. Not too far away, there was a small village of the elven kind. The song coninued. Rising up! Back on the streeet! Did my time, took my chances. Went the diiiistance, now I'm back on my feet- Just a man and his will to surviveeee! So many times it happens too fast, you trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past! You must fight just to keep them alive! It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight! Rising up to the challenge of our rivaaaal. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eyeeeeee! The tiger had climbed to the top of the rock and roared out to all those that could hear him. (of the tigerrrrr~) They might have reacted more, if this act of pride wasn't common from him. But, you know, he never bothered village folk. Why would he? He might not hunt too well because of his coloring, but he can fish pretty damn good. And the idea of getting hunted down like a monster? Nah. That'd just be too stupid, even for him. With his power trip done, Ryshock climbed back down from the jutting rock and contemplated what to do next. A refreshing swim or breakfast?