Mantis was being nothing, if not polite. Well, as polite as he could be, which in this case boiled down to not reading teammates minds. There were times he couldn't help it, though. For instance, Natasha sent him a thought so loud it was impossible [i]not[/i] to hear it. He offered no visible reaction, but he did lean and whisper to Seth, "She doesn't like me." with an indicating gesture toward Natasha who was now exiting the room. "Don't take it personal." Seth whispered with a shrug, "I'm not sure she likes [i]anyone[/i] that much." Then there was the other woman. She was polite enough verbally, even waving a greeting to Mantis. But unfortunately her nervousness was as loud and clear to him as if she had simply spoken those concerns aloud. So, he decided to explain himself to her, "It helps me stay in control of my powers. The mask, I mean. Otherwise the voices get loud... and painful. They don't just project their thoughts, but their feelings as well... that's probably the worst part of it. Reading a mind is one thing, but feeling its suffering... that's why I need the mask." "So um... that Space Station. We take that and we've pretty much got them by the balls?" asked Seth, having finally picked his role in the upcoming mission. That meant he was going with Mai... as well as with James and the AI. With a shrug, Seth opened up a Corridor, "Whelp, whoever's planning to help wreck that Station, there's our entry point. Closest I could get it was the entry hanger though. They must have something keeping Corridors from opening any deeper inside. So it looks like we'll have to fight our way in from there." As soon as the portal appeared, Mantis felt something in the pit of his stomach, "Hold on... they've got something waiting over there. Can't tell what it is from this distance, but it definitely gives me a bad feeling." there was that psychic detection they'd brought him on for. Barely his first mission with the group and he already smelled a trap. [@Letter Bee][@SMS][@Rex][@Arty Fox]