[@Zero Hex] I'm so sorry! I honestly did forget to look him over earlier. He's absolutely 100% accepted. I adore the concept you went with here. Welcome aboard. [@tex] No harm, broski. Thanks for showing an interest! We are definitely full now, though should anybody drop, you'd be welcome to submit an app. [hr] [centre][h1]ATTENTION![/h1] [@Ryteb Pymeroce][@Rockette][@Demous][@Oddsbod] [@Lugia][@Evanist][@PetiteAmbivert][@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Laios][@WXer][@vietmyke][@Utrax] [@Savo][@Ryuzaki][@Zero Hex][/centre] I apologize for all of the delays and whatnot, but I'm pleased to announce that the first IC post has been launched, and with that, the RP has officially begun. Feel free to post away, my lovelies! As a bit of reference, I'll be including just a mock-up map of the city, to sort of help people visualize where everything is in respect to everything else. Spell list is still in development. For now, just assume that most of the reoccurring spells will be available. Specialized mages can have access up to third tier spells (-ga, III), while Red Mages should stick with second tier (-ra, II). This isn't a permanent restriction, just something to hold everybody over until the official list is finished. (I'm an excruciatingly slow typist.) Also! Due to the large number of characters involved in this, I'd ask that all posts include both a header with POV Character's name as well as any appropriate @mentions for those interacted with within the post, if you all would be so kind. Otherwise, we're gonna have a bit of a mess here. [sub][sub]Sorry if the IC is a bit...incoherent. Tired Ogo proofreading/editing might leave something to be desired.[/sub][/sub] -edit- Probably would help to actually include the map. [hider=Thorne City] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MIuhPeu.png[/img][/hider]