[h3]Without Remorse[/h3] [hr] The patrols and the people running from the Chateau along the access road leading out were the problem of Prodigal Son and his fellow Luna Wolves, as they thought of themselves. Who they were, why they were there, whether or not they were innocent or guilty, it didn't matter. With the savage cunning of his legion, they laid the next trap for the next patrol and fell upon them with fist and knife, eschewing the more powerful weapons as unnecessary. They collected wargear in this fashion, grenades mostly, though one of the brothers took up a flamer, hooking the backpack a normal human would wear to his power armour's belt, as a prize from the fighting. The other prize was the enemy's comm systems, which Prodigal Son himself patched into his helmet's systems. That allowed him to track the last patrol, even as he took note of the time; the assault would begin soon. Three patrols down, and they used their autosenses and their own hearing and sight to try to locate more prey in the hunt. Once the noise started, he unlimbered his bolter and others did the same, for the time was past when they'd need such a thing. The last group were headed toward the conflagration of the Chateau; they were alert and aware, and there wouldn't be an easy opportunity to close with them, especially as they headed for the enclosure where the Rhinos were...