Bridget only had a moment to ponder her fate before being bumped into by a newcomer as they opened the door. Her hand remained firmly gripped around her pepper spray as she moved out of the way, and an uncomfortable mix of embarrassment and fear filled her. The man who had bumped into her was as strange as the others she'd seen, scorched, with flames spilling out of his mouth and eye socket. Then again, who was she to judge someone's appearance, she thought, reminding herself of her inhuman skin color. Even so, it looked painful. She wondered if the flames hurt as they scorched his skin, and she felt a twinge of pity. Moments later, a girl slipped through the door, the most human looking character here, but cracks across her skin showed that she too, was somehow different. Bridget traced the girl's movements with her eyes as she travelled around the room. The silence was broken when the half man, half goat, spoke. “I think w-we are all in the same, the same situation h-here, but still, I-I want to, want to check something,” he spoke, darting with his eye nervously from one person to the next. “You all, all got the note, r-right? The-the one that said to come, to come to this warehouse, is that right?" The stutter in his voice made her feel at ease. He too, was nervous and uncomfortable. Her hand relaxed it's grip on the pepper spray and she gathered the courage to respond. "I got it" She squeaked, in a quiet voice, it's pitch raised by her nerves. Luckily the silence in the room allowed her to be audible, echoing slightly against the warehouse walls. Her eyes traveled to the circle of chairs, and then to the other people(?) standing around the room. "There's six chairs...but we're only five.." She spoke the words, not looking at anyone in particular, but instead, staring intently at the floor. She was still a bit nervous to look any of them in the eye.