The new girl was enthusiastic, if anything, and John was rather relieved to know she was chatting with one of his shyest customer. "Anything at all?" John replied to her request cheerily. "All right, Miss, just wait there." He kept an eye on the Restaurant while waiting for his cooks to make their dish. There are ways to get the food much faster. But he'd realised that people came to the Restaurant for conversations, not just the meal, and conversations is one of the few things in the world that can take advantage of waiting. The girl seemed like she was going to start a rather pleasant one with the fabric dwarf. That would, however, leave the robot-ghost rather lonely, and he hadn't even finished his drink. He's a shy one. John wondered if he was going to be okay here. No, screw it, John was going to walk up to him and ask him if he's okay. "Hey," he said to the half-ghost. "Are you doing fine, there?" [@Sundrop] [hr] [hider=Situation Notes] [b]People on the bar:[/b] - Cledwynn Magouloura, a half-ghost half-mechanical, a bit tense. - The Authoress, who looks like a teenage girl but probably not really one Conversing: - Pridopus, a short figure covered entirely in fabric, awfully hungry. - Sen, an omnipotent little girl, waiting for her meal while chatting up Pridopus - Sandy Cane, a space bounty huntress, having her fries and hot dog. - Ziggletrox the Destroyer, a dragon-shaped amoeba, perpetually drunk. Conversing: - Levi, a bearded 33-year-old man in a sports jacket, sulking. - Abigail, an Author's Ambassador, also an angry woman in a dress. - The Infamous, flanked by scantily-armoured drow and vampire. [b]Not seated:[/b] - A teenage elven girl (Yylya) [b]On a table:[/b] - Sen's guards, having drinks [b]Other Staffs:[/b] - Robin, a human waitress, currently behind the bar. [/hider]