"Excellent! We'll begin tomorrow then if you're ready, no reason to wait any longer than we have to," Nema declared excitably as he rubbed his claws together, "And remember, my dear boy, this is not something you are to do alone. In the history of our people those with this power all had to learn to use it, no one was naturally gifted, and countless others have walked the same path as you. So do remember that this is not only your efforts but ours as well! Together we will master this new strength of yours and make it your own." They had but a month's time to do so and depending on how much they had to work on it could be quite a pressed timeline for them. It was perhaps for the best that T'charrl leave at the end of the sessions whether he was successful or not, there would be others who might seek him out for his power. War between kingdoms was fading fast but there would still be some who sought to make his strength into a weapon, as many had done in the past. But saying such a thing would really crush the mood right now and today was not meant to be somber, but to celebrate and prepare! Did T'charrl trust him enough to help? Haku hadn't exactly shown much strength since he'd joined this group, though it wasn't like he'd had much of a chance when their only real fight were against some freakish monsters on New Namek. He'd been asked to help and he'd do so but it would be nice to think that his friend could trust his ability to do so. "Y-You'll do great. Besides, you have Ki too, d-don't you? So you can use that to help f-fly," Haku suggested hopefully, smiling as he pressed his fingers together uncertainly. "If just using your w-wings is too h-hard you can always use Ki t-too," he continued as he looked down at the table nervously, "You probably w-won't even need my help, I'm sure you'll do fine! B-But I'll be there if you do need it!" Yusef had been excited about having him play a role and said it would be a good thing to have a friend there. He'd learned all about how T'charrl hadn't really had friends growing up and that was exactly the same for Haku, neither had been terribly popular it seemed. Now that they did have friends neither of them really seemed to know what to do about it. Just perfect. Smiling to himself Haku rubbed his thumbs together and leaned forward, closing his eyes as he let out a sigh. "And when we go back you're going to be all better and s-surprise everyone, then they'll all know how a-awesome you are, right?" ---------- "Is it a soldier's job to fight, or is a soldier's job only to win? If a soldier is meant to protect and they do so, even if it means losing the fight, then have they failed? Or have they succeeded?" It seemed like Viral was far more preoccupied with the notion that he should be utterly infallible, that no matter what the odds he should win. It was a dangerous mindset as no one was invincible, not even the mightiest of fighters like Son Goku or his grandfather had been. One only had to look to the recent past to see how faulty such a mindset was, perhaps that was the first thing they would rectify. "You're right that I'm not a soldier, but that doesn't mean I haven't fought. Look at my predecessors, my own family, none of them were soldiers. Yet would you call them failures?" Would Viral consider [i]him[/i] a failure. He seemed to either forget or repress that he had in fact won a battle against a Saiyan before, granted Aito hadn't exactly fought to kill or even harm back then. At best that was semantics and at worst it was only going to further Viral's depression, best not to bring it up then. "Tell me something Viral... Does everything that is done have to be perfect? Anything less than that is considered failure?" Perfection was impossible, failure was absolute, his years of study and work had shown him that. Not all failures were catastrophic and certainly most were beneficial, it was how one learned and improved over the course of time. Deciding to redirect the questioning slightly Aito folded an arm over the arm of his chair and rested his chin in his palm, studying Viral thoughtfully as he tapped a foot against the padded floor. "Do you believe that everything everyone else does is flawless? Or does everyone make mistakes and have shortcomings? Yes, failure for certain professions have grander consequences than others, a doctor's failure is vastly more detrimental than that of the teenager flipping your hamburger. But the fact remains no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, everyone fails. So if everyone fails no one is perfect, yet failing occasionally does not make a failure, does it?"