[hr] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Power Struggle: A Vigilante Story[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Power to the people...those were the slogans of a revolution. Now, it sounds like declaration of an endless war on the streets. Welcome to New Eden. City that used to be a place of true opportunity for someone to become and somebody. A place that was once a metropolis of hard workers willing to work together to create an urban paradise. What changed? The drug called The Epidemic or "Bad Candy", some call it. That and the Black Out incident that brought about fear and chaos. Thanks to the drug and the gang carrying it, this brought about a chain reaction of other groups being formed to originally fight the group that was ruining their neighborhoods but soon evolving into ruthless hoodlums. Where there's new gangs, comes new drugs. The Epidemic wasn't the only thing popping. The Glow, Mad Dog, Cherry Popper, The Amp up. All kinds of terrible things were being brought in. The Black Out incident made things worse as the wave of energy from the Black Out caused an evolution of some, granting them a power of their own. From generating fire, to telekinesis, to being bullet proof, to gaining super strength, these individuals set the tone for a new battlefield that brought the need of using special weapons from the black market to stand a chance against these Metahumans who some have joined the different gangs at war. Many of the rich have left the city. The police are either corrupt, too scared to fight back, or getting killed or hurt badly fighting the good fight to save this city. There have been talk about nuking the city right off the map but that would mean the innocents would suffer this decision. There is a rumor that the Mayor is the cause of this hell but if something is not done soon, this city would be beyond repair. If there are any brave souls left out there who believes that this city could have hope again and be saved by getting rid of this cancer that's killing it, please, we need your help more than ever... To anyone that's willing to listen and do something, Desperate Sergeant Anthony O'Kain (I will be adding the major Syndicates and gangs that run the different sections of the the city) [hider=The Bishop Family] [center][h1][color=662d91]The Bishop Family Crime Syndicate[/color][/h1][/center] [color=662d91]Leader[/color] Simon Bishop [color=662d91]The run down[/color] The Bishop Family was one of the first gangs to gain power. Originally being called the South Saxon Knights, their turn for power came when they introduced the drug, The Epidemic. Gaining the money and power not only gave them extra military force with the associated gangs under their mark but this brought about new deals gaining hi-tech weapons in the black market during the gang turf wars to give them the edge, thus becoming the top group in the city. Structure wise, they have 4 associated gangs: 6th street Jokerz, Triple Ms, Green Ave Goons, and The Rabid Hyenas The main members of The Bishop Family have 2 metahuman captains and 2 captains with advanced tech weapons. there are a few other associates, a few police, journalist, and someone outside the circle for times were there is a need to handle a huge problem. [/hider]