[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/5ecf/f/2017/150/1/b/felix_by_fenixking13-dbaxlnu.png[/img] [color=crimson][h2]Felix Williams[/h2][/color][/center] [@Old Amsterdam] Laying on the ground and looking up at the stars as Dia brought her focus onto his injured hand, a jumble of thoughts soared around. The first was the kindness of this girl for trying to help, despite his.. attitude from earlier. The next was of Jordan Manilow again. He'd said something earlier about advice but the words weren't in Felixs thoughts anymore. The water touched his hand and Felix visibly tensed, unprepared for the stinging sensation brought on. Gritting his teeth but trying not to show it, the only thing to be done was carry on. Thankfully it wasn't a long time before the temperature dropped, the mild agony in his hand dropping with it. [Color=crimson]"Tha-"[/color] Felix had turned his sight away from the shimmering stars and the brilliant radiance of the moon high in the sky to thank her properly, but the words were frozen in his throat. Every thought possible had been shut down for that few moments as he stared at dia. Here on the rooftop, from whwre he lay, Dia was amid the shining splendor of the stars. Before he could even realize what going on, he spoke. [Color=crimson]"You sparkle like the stars.."[/color] Still holding her hand, Felix realized he had dropped his guard badly. At home with his Father, he had owned nothing but the right to gaze at the world laying beyond his window. Every clear night had revolved around looking up at the shimmering starlight with envy. Gently, but insistently, pulling his hand away, Felix tried to avert his eyes back to the sky. [color=crimson]"I'm.. Felix. T-thank you for, you know.. helping me."[/color]