[center][color=bdaf17][b][h1]July 29[sup]th[/sup], 2371[/h1][/b][/color][h3][b][color=bdaf17]8:19AM[/color][/b] [sub][i][color=bdaf17]Royal Family ETA:[/color] 35 Hours[/i][/sub][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [@Nallore] Most of the people that Anthony passed by on his way home didn't even make eye contact. Not all that surprising given the typical mindset of any given city goer. Few people seemed to notice a smile given, most the did notice looked at Anthony weird, as if they were suspicious of him trying to sell something, and a tiny minority actually bothered to smile or nod back. Whatever the temperament of the citygoers, Anthony had made his way back to his apartment, free to pursue whatever desires he had. [@Lady Amalthea] Paperwork sorting was slow and cumbersome. Given the huge stack of files Sunie had to go through, it wouldn't be surprising if most of her day got used up from this before even factoring in "wasted" time using the bathroom, eating, dealing with customers, looking at something other than ink on pulp, etc. And on top of all those other things, the bell for the front door rang not 20 minutes into searching through the paperwork. Based on the lack of noise that would likely accompany either of the other Marks, and the sporadic sounds of footsteps, whoever walked in was probably a customer, one who was unfamiliar with the store itself. "Hello?" called out a masculine voice from the other side of the store. His accent sounded foreign to the city, but otherwise not distinct enough to be immediately pegged in any specific location as of yet.