Ken didn't bother the rest of the crew as they went about on their way. He usually preferred to keep separate under normal conditions, so they could head on out, buy things, party on the town, whatever their little hearts desired. His own ambitions didn't reach out that far. At least not for the time being. Right now all he needed was to keep himself so stupid drunk that nothing in the world could ever possibly matt-OHCRAPGOTTAPEE! Ken practically launched out from the floorboards of the ship, landing on the guard railings of the port bow. Without a second thought he yanked down his trousers, took hold of his, er, "firehose," and began relieving himself directly into the sea below. [color=brown]"Hmhm hmmm hm hmhm hmm,"[/color] he hummed to himself, swaying side to side ever so slightly, his drunken stupor somehow keeping time with the waves of the water. Then something caught his eye. Three people, not too far off, were conversing. One of them looked vaguely familiar... Oh, he knew that guy! [color=brown]"Hey Mishter navigator! *hic* How'sh it going?!"[/color] As he turned to face Handel and the marines, he began to wave quite excitedly with one hand. Of course, this had the added benefit of giving them all a wave with... Something else.