Casey sat in an awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity. He has fairly certain he hadn’t said anything overly awkward but the extended silence had him worried. He was relieved when she finally took the pen from him and offered a proper introduction. It was nice to finally know the name of the woman who had saved their collective asses. He noted that she at least seemed interested enough in the lot of them to listen in, at least for a moment, for their meeting in the library, as well as interest enough to remember their names. Another plus was she seemed to have some sense of humor, she’d seemed very intense when they saw her the other night so it was good to see she had a friendlier side to her as well. “Nice to meet you, Emy.” He said watching her fiddle with the pen and then fill out the worksheet. He noticed the glare of Chad Johnson who seemed pretty peeved that he was currently talking to Emy and Casey took that second to pretend to wind up a jack in the box with one hand before flipping him the bird with the other. Normally he might feel compelled to warn her about Chad but seeing as how she could take out a couple dozen vampires like it was nothing Casey was pretty sure Chad was biting off more than he could ever chew this time. “Well anyone willing to let me copy some busy work is true hero in my book. I’ve failed this class before, me and that saw over there are old…nemesises… nemesi, I broke it last year. Anyway, I guess we’re all okay, a little banged up but no more than usual. I’m guessing the others don’t see it this way but if it was us they were after, I guess what I’d really feel was proud, means we’re making bigger ripples in this pond than I ever thought we were capable of. It kind of feels like success, like we’ve leveled up.” Casey said as he quickly copied Emy’s worksheet. Casey gave a nod to Blaine as he headed over to them and while he finished up his worksheet Blaine passed Emy a note. “What? I think it’s obvious we were using Emy to get these worksheets done. You know kind of like the same reason I hang around with you, so I can copy your work.” He joked in response to Blaine’s comment about them hitting on the new girl. He watched as Blaine’s pupils dilated and it was clear he was having one of his weird energy vision thing. He was curious about what he was seeing but before he even had a chance to ask Adam walked in. Since when did Adam work for the school paper? It didn’t really sound like Adam but there he was in woodshop with a camera. It was only moments after Adam walked in that Chad was trying to start something. Casey used every ounce of his self-control to keep from laughing as Danny clear fucked with Chad. He looked like a complete moron yelling at someone who wasn’t there and looking around completely bewildered. Once the trio of girls behind them started giggling at Chad, Casey couldn’t hold his own laughter back any longer. Danny’s sarcasm about the situation only made it funnier. “Man, I love it when you Carrie people like that.” It was good see the situation solved peacefully as well as to have the class laughing at Chad. “How’s your head?” He asked Blaine once the room had settled down some.