[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UAtz7iC.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [h1] [color=0072bc]Elyria[/color] [/h1] [/center] Elyria had been ignored by Caractacus. She had stomped back to Kathryn and sat down to brush her wet and now tangled blue hair with her brush. Suddenly hands appeared and grabbed her into a fierce hug almost pulling her backwards. Surprised to see Kathryn half asleep and groggy she chuckled and nodded at her words. [color=00a651]...I am so sorry... I was in a really awkward state of mind... and I think... I should put my armor back on... and we should forget this happened....[/color] Elyria had like the hug. It had been the first time she had had any physical interaction with another person other than when she was yanked out of the water and left by the fire and that was emergency related. She sighed and when a man burst into the camp and went to stab the merlocs she knew he couldn't see or hear them so she reached out and touched his arm. He was immediately able to see the entire camp and all that the others could see. [color=0072bc]"I'm Elyria."[/color]