With what little energy she could muster Rin's hand crawled towards Marcus then reached upward towards his tired face. "Hey you." She said gently as her fingertips slowly slid into the stubble on his jaw till her palm held his face. "You look like shit." She teased him with a soft chuckle. It was plain to see that he had been working himself to the bone, even worse than usual. Despite her current situation she was more occupied with his well-being. Little by little she felt bits of strength fill her body to the point she felt she would be able to sit up. Gathering himself together with his regular gear Richard left the tent he had been assigned to bunk in to search out his assignment. Soon he found himself approaching the line, but his pace slowed when he saw Tess at the end. Avoiding her wouldn't be an option forever, nor should he continue to do so. Begrudgingly he made his way to his place in line, just behind Tess. "Hey.. How are you?" He asked.