[h1][center][u]A collaboration between MrDiadect and Leos Klien[/u][/center][/h1] [i]-These events occurred moments after the tour of the ship.[/i] [hr] Giles was surprised at just how much his comrades had been getting up to in their spare time, within 24 hours the Asari - Vella had successfully managed to breakdown relations between humanity and the Asari a bit further - it was actually impressive just how inept someone could be especially given that she was been assigned to a Spectre group; her time here would be incredibly short if she did soemthing like that again. Things didn't really improve either, when the standoff between a N7 operative and the Spectres occurred, or which Giles merely stood behind the Krogan for the event of it, pointless being shot over an argument of who has the bigger balls. No shots were fired however, despite that this would remain a problem down the line, just one of many that was quickly becoming an extensive list. The tour of their new home proved that the Spectres were serious about this, they seemed to have someone for everything, of course Giles had to participate in mandatory weekly sessions for counselling.... Something that wasn't needed nor would it help, the Artist appeared whenever he felt like it, or without rhyme or reason - Giles didn't know, he merely dealt with it as best he could; some Asari he's never met before will not answer the problem he has had for over 30 years. But if it will keep Aegon from bursting a blood vessel again, it would probably be for the best, the only condition he will impose upon Aegon is making sure he never had to share the room with that tin can Ellis, otherwise everything would be fine. The tour ended after about 10 minutes, and Giles knew he would have to do a few things and talk with a few of them to get his affairs set in order - may as well head down to the Req officer/smuggler by the way he acted. But chances are smuggling would be needed for some of the things Giles would request. It didn't take long for him to make it to the cargo bay where the Req officer was located, it was from an odd race that Giles had never seen before and it was called Relli or something similar to that. Approaching Relli, Giles offered his hand out as a form of greeting [color=green]" You're the Req officer aren't you? There's a couple of things I need to ask for you to...."acquire" I also have a couple of forms that would need signing by you and one of the Spectres that allows some shipments to made onto the ship every time we stop off at a major port, they're typically for my personal use but very improtant."[/color] Relli smirked as he tapped away at a datapad, not bothering to look over at the Drell, "Requisitions officer is a bit formal, but I suppose you could call me that. Relli is just fine however. As for business... well I'm always open for that. What do you need? My prices are flexible, depending on all kinds of factors. But if you have the credits, I've got it or I can get it." Relli looked at the form, pulling it up on a datapad, "And what would these be? Need cream to get your scales buffed?" Giles retracted his hand before replying [color=green]" I hear rubbing Red sand on scales causes irritation, so no that's not what I'm using it for, I need it for my medication, amongst other things, I also sell some of the stuff to people who think they can be biotic because of it - mitigates some of the losses I make. Other than those forms, I'll need another combat suit, Kahje sells some specially designed for Drell operatives, it should cost a bit but credits is something I have enough of, I'll also need universal grenade and mine templates, 300 of each should do."[/color] Given a quick glance around the cargo hold Giles stated further [color=green] "Also, if you can get your hands on a M-920 Cain... I'd happily give you anything you want, within the realm of reason."[/color] Relli's eyebrow subtly twitched and a ghost of a shadow graced his features before he said, "Well, now you're talking. For the armament. It'll be no big problem. Hardsuit, mine and grenade templates. That'll be standard fees plus the shipping. Mmm say around a two thousand for the suit and a thousand for all of your explosives. I can take it in credit too. I also take fair exchange in barter and favor." Relli stroked his chin, "As for a Cain. Well, I have some contacts in the Alliance who can get me one. I'll throw that in with the rest. If you agree to run a small errand for me." Relli smiled, the gears turning in his head. "But Red Sand.... of course I know dealers. But I have to ask what this is for exactly. The boss might get mad if I start moving narcotics through his ship." Giles couldn't help but smile, he liked this Relli, business sense of a Volus but without the wheezing and self-superiority. [color=green]" 3,000 is a good price for that, I'll happily pay in credits, in terms of the red sand, as I said, I need it for my medication, I'm planning on talking with Aegon later, I'll tell him about that myself, of course, in terms of if I distribute any of it, it will not be to anyone on the ship - human saying of "don't shit on your own lawn" comes to mind, it will be at any hub we stop off at, if I have any spare."[/color] Gilvert gave a small forwn before continuing. [color=green]" What's this errand? It's got to be something substantial if you're willing to throw a free Cain in for it, that's not typically something you just throw in a deal of 3,000 credits when the ammo for it costs more than that..."[/color] Relli smiled and said, "As for the favor, it's a small matter with a contact in the London Shantytown. He's a small time guy like me, but the local human gangs are trying to muscle in on his trade. Trying to squeeze him out.That neighbourhood depends on a lot of the goods he brings in. But the humans want to extort them and squeeze them out of every spare credit they have. All I need from you is for you take care of those guys. No need for violence, just make sure my contact isn't getting anymore abuse. Do that and the Cain is yours, as well as the first few power cells. Reloads are going to be a thousand a pack from then on. Sound fair?" Relli leaned against a crate, "Boss, doesn't much like Sand trading. I just don't know if he would go for it. I say take it up with him. And maybe Koriandr, the doc, can figure out a Sand-free alternative for your... condition. It's not up to me ultimately. I'll just tell Aegon what's going on." Simple he says.... it's never simple, getting shook like a rag-doll by Aegon is the best case scenario if it's discovered that an alien killed a bunch of down on their luck humans, just another case against Aliens on earth by the likes of Cerebrus and the other shit head organisation that is seemingly aligned with them. Giles couldn't turn this opportunity down, but he'd have to take great care when he did it, thankfully his assassin training ought to be useful here. [color=green]"Consider it done, I'll wire the credits to you later today, and I'll speak with the doc as you suggested, although I doubt much will come from it. Thanks for your time Relli, it's been quite the pleasure."[/color] Relli smiled, reaching out a hand to shake Giles to seal the deal, "Any time Giles. Likewise. And much more importantly. It's been profitable." Aegon sat cross-legged on the floor, his eyes closed, palms of his hands resting on his knees. Erinna swore by meditation and Aegon thought there was a certain calm to the exercise. Aegon breathed in and out, and tried his best to empty his mind. But there was simply too much to be concerned about. The knock on his door was actually a relief. Aegon keyed his omni-tool and let the door open, standing straight and pulling on a robe to cover his bare torso. Aegon gestured to Giles, [color=red]"Giles. Please come in. Drink?"[/color] Aegon gestured to a nearby wetbar before pouring himself a glass. Giles shook Relli's hand to secure the deal and left the cargo bay, he have to prepare later to deal with that "favour" but for now he needed to talk with Aegon. A few minutes later and Giles was stood outside the Spectres personal quarters, Aegon answered his knocks by opening the door remotely. The spectres room was quite spacious, and contained what a fairly aged Turian with a life time of military experience would normally have in their room, otherwise it was quite sleek and designed well, it also had a touch of defensive construct, if it were under siege, there was plenty of cover- basically Turian design in a nutshell. Aegon offered Giles a drink as he entered, something he couldn't refuse. [color=green]"That would be nice, thank you. Dealers choice."[/color] Giles felt the need to be formal here, almost assuming a military stance of attention, Aegon seemed to deserve that respect at the very least from the likes of a person like Gilvert. [color=green]"There's a couple of things I needed to discuss with you, sir...[/color] Gods that term sounded foreign on his tongue, he hadn't said that since he was back home with his parents. [color=green]"It's probably been a stressful day for you, but it's best dealt with sooner rather than later."[/color] Aegon was bemused by Giles decorum but didn't complain and poured Giles a glass of wine. He handed it to the Drell and nodded, [color=red] "You're right. Best to get this resolved. So let's get down to it. Explain this medicine. Why Red Sand? How does it help?" [/color] Giles accepted the glass and gave a nod of the head as thanks, a deep red with a rich smell, a small sip gave Giles the thought that it was a fine vintage, not too sweet and a bit dry, a nice balance, Aegon clearly knew his drinks, something Giles could respect. But the fact that he already knew about the red sand took him by surprise, Relli didn't wait on ceremony to forward that information. [color=green]" I've been using it in my medicine for the past 8 years, not a lot, and not enough to really get it's actual effects from it that the drug is known for, but ever since I started using it in my meds it's lowered the chances of the artist appearing far better than when I had been using medication without it in, I'd say it lowers the chances of him appearing by 33% if to give it a figure, lowering that risk is paramount I'd say, not using Red sand only increases that risk.[/color] Aegon listened, considering, [color=red] "I suppose it would be something within the chemical composition that reduces the effects. But you do realise that while it may be effective at curtailing your other friend... the compounded intake of Red Sand may still have unforeseen side effects. Even if you don't take enough to get a high. Ingesting the stuff is still a risk. I believe a long-term goal should be finding a way to replace Red Sand for your medicine. I'll put Nola on it. Red Sand is toxic. There's no telling what it can do to you if you continue. [/color] The Turian turned considering something, [color=red] "As for your other trade... I don't know if I can sanction it. Weapons are one thing. Intel is one thing. But this galaxy doesn't need more addicts. I've seen the effects of the trade. I can't stop you from selling anything you might have to other pushers, but I can eliminate the need for it. For the nonce, I'll have confiscated stashes of Sand, only enough for your personal use and for Nola's research, transferred to the ship. And you can use it for your medicine until we find an alternative. Agreed?" [/color] The offer Aegon proposed seemed the best of both worlds really, impossible to turn it down without seeming unreasonable. [color=green]" Sounds good to me... sir. On the topic of "my friend" as you put it, there's probably some counter measures we should hash out should he surface, I'd typically prefer to stay alive, obviously, so is there any information you'd like on his... methods and mannerisms?[/color] Aegon nodded, sipping from his drink and leaning back on the corner of his desk as he said, [color=red] "Yes. First and foremost, what are his priorities? What is his methodology? Does he recognise friend or foe? How long do these episodes last? What are the primary catalysts for the change? Anything and everything you think could be relevant. [/color] Giles shifted his position slightly before speaking. [color=green]"I can't speak for him, all I can do is make educated guesses at his motivations, I can't remember anything from an episode so everything I say will be second hand or what I can discern from surveillance that has caught his actions."[/color] Taking a more liberal sip from the wine, Giles began explaining who the Artist was. [color=green]" The Artist only seeks one thing, to remove the imperfections from the Galaxy, he views everything as a dull blank piece of paper; an empty canvas begging for someone to fill it with bright and varied colours- his name didn't come from his colourful personality, it came from the fact that he can be the only person capable to paint the blank canvas, in reds, blues, purples and greens.... you'll note that these colours are all different colours of blood in various races, well that is his paint, typically he will try and make the kill as messy as possible, and if he has the time and luxury he will draw out a death as long as possible, to paint his canvas carefully and slowly - he's reckless and psychopathic and doesn't know anything of teamwork, there is his paints and then his audience, every painting to him needs an audience, I think the reasoning behind that was that art needs to be admired, otherwise there's no point in it... He can distinguish between friend and foe, if just barely, no matter how close I am to an individual if they get in his way or obstruct him of his work, he will be swift and ruthless in removing them, I remember my old merc group saying that sometimes he won't touch certain people instead he simply states in a wistful and intimidating manner that he will save them for the right painting - if he ever says that to someone on this ship I recommend keeping a close eye on them whenever the Artist makes an appearance, who knows when it's their time to face his brush. Otherwise the rule of thumb is that anyone he see's before he begins his performance is his "audience" after he states that he will begin his painting, anyone he see's will be regarded as his enemy; it was easy to handle back in the Merc band, we always stuck together without ever needing to split into two teams, if that occurs before the Artist appears, it would pay well to keep the teams separate or to try and make sure everyone is present before he begins the performance - its a slight logistical restriction that could be hurtful down the line, but it's better than having someone firing explosive Widow rounds at you.[/color] Giles took another sip before continuing [color=green] There have been occasions where the Artist doesn't actually attempt to paint, but this really only occurs when his "brush" aka My sniper rifle, is not on his person or nearby, or when there doesn't appear to be any form of fighting nearby, think of him a bit like a predator, the spill of blood triggers him to move, for once a painting begins, he won't stop till it's finished - which brings us on to time, it can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 4 hours, typically the episode ends when he finishes a painting, but an episode has never lasted longer than 4 hours and 20 minutes. What causes the change is difficult to discern, typically the artist appears before combat or in the preparation stages; it's never occurred mid-combat before, the only reason I can think for that is the Artist won't bother with work that is not his own, I'm not sure. Otherwise a number of different factors can make him appear, namely extreme stress, high levels of emotion, not taking my medication and not having an episode in a long time can increase the likely hood of one occurring. Other than that he is highly intelligent, unforgiving, violent, psychopathic, oddly enough very caring as well, he can jump between the ends of the spectrum at times; also he will listen to orders, but it's better to try see the situation from his eyes and try to coerce him to do something as if it will benefit him, Vartak the Krogan warlord who lead the merc squad was really good at that, trial and error is something this will take, I just hope it doesn't cost someone their life, or indeed my own life to discover it.[/color] Giles gave a sigh before taking another drink, leaving his glass nearly empty. [color=green]"That's all I can really say about him, I hope it's enough to get a picture of how he works... I have to say, I'm surprised you picked me, not that I'm not grateful, it's good to try and fix the problems of the galaxy, feels redeeming after the life I've lead, but still, I wasn't aware I was worth the risk, I hope I still am."[/color] Aegon didn't say anything for some time as he nursed his glass. Finally he spoke up, [color=red] "I understand. I already have a dossier built on you and your alter ego. But it paid to hear it from your perspective. I'll make sure that every person on this ship is appraised of the situation with your artist. And we'll take all the precautions we can to keep him out of the picture. And if he does appear, we'll take measures to protect ourselves. You were an asset, a good one in your day. And your artist may be a monster, but sometimes we might need a monster. But if it comes down to the wire, you should know I absolutely will not hesitate to put the Artist down if I have to. Do you understand?" [/color] In the end, Giles knew that was the line Aegon would take, he just hoped that it would take a fair bit to surpass that line. [color=green]"Understood Sir, is there anything else you'd like to discuss, or is there anything you need to ask me?[/color] Aegon pondered that for a moment before replying, [color=red] "No need to call me sir. You're not beholden to military decorum any longer. And I believe that's all I have to talk with you about. You may take your leave." [/color] Aegon nodded at Giles and sat down at his desk, finishing off the glass before booting up the haptic display at his desktop. Giles finished his wine and placed the empty glass on a nearby table and sated [color=green]" Thank you for the drink, you have fine taste If I may say so, Aegon." [/color] Without waiting for a reply Giles bowed his head slightly as a goodbye and left the room. He wasn't entirely aware why he acted like he did when he was in that room - instinct seemed to take over a bit, but Aegon seemed to radiate authority, Giles acted in a very simlar way when he was ever present with Aria T'Loak, at least for the first couple of years before he got to know her a bit better. Not all authority figures actually elicited authority in their subjects, but Aegon was definitely one of them - a natural born leader. Giles had one final stop to make before he would retire for a while, it was with the Asari councillor, it seemed that he was going to become very familiar with her, so may as well get the introductions out of the way with. Konare was reading a book when she saw Giles enter. She smiled and stood, reaching out a hand in greeting,"Oh you must be Giles.I'm pleased to meet you. What can I do for you today?" It didn't take long to get to his final stop, as he entered the room the Asari, Konare lightly placed the book she was reading down and made her way over to him, she was kind and eloquent in her speech and extended her hand as a greeting - something Giles returned as he spoke. [color=green]" It's a pleasure to meet you to, Konare - I figured I'd stop by to get to know you a bit, since we will be doing this quite a lot from what Aegon has stated; don't know what our weekly sessions will include since I've never had "therapy" if that's what you plan on calling it?[/color] Giles was slightly nervous about this, he's dealt with the Artist and his "condition" (although Giles never perceived it to be any form of mental illness of the sort, just merely the way he was) in his own way for the majority of his life - he wasn't sure if Konare could actually help him. Konare spread her hands in a conciliatory gesture, "I've read your file and I'm aware of your condition, but I won't really know how to proceed until we start having sessions. I like to get to know my patients first, to see who they are beyond the pages before I start thinking about how to help. And that's what I want to do, help you Giles. I can tell you're nervous but there's no need to be. Our first session will purely be conversation and I'll never do anything that will endanger you in any way. If you don't want to talk about something, we won't talk about it. And everything is completely confidential. If you just need someone to talk to, that's what I can do. My first concern here is your personal well-being and I'll do everything I can to assure it." Giles listened attentively to what she said, once again the prospect of someone actually caring for his wellbeing was a bit disconcerting. [color=green]"So that's it? The sessions are basically just a friendly chat? No offence but that doesn't sound like it will help my "condition", if at all."[/color] Konare replied, "As I said, I won't know exactly how I can help until I get to know you better. But even then, I'm not one of those doctors who believes in drastic measures. I've trained with Siarists, with doctors, and with the Consort. I've been doing this for centuries and there is little I haven't seen. I am confident that together we will be able to work through your issues." Giles nodded slightly in response [color=green]"Well, I've long accepted that the Artist is apart of who I am, but I won't turn down anyone who think they can help me; I must warn you though, there may be an occasion where you meet him yourself, that will probably aid you in how to help, but also it could be very dangerous, I cannot speak for the artist or his motivations, I can only guess as to what he wants."[/color] Konare nodded, "It might be incredibly useful if I ever do get a chance to talk to this artist of yours. It could go a long way towards alleviating your condition. But I do know the danger. Rest assured, we have taken precautions, you won't have to worry about me Giles. Now do you have anything else you wish to ask me?" Precautions.... seems like something Giles should know about, the Turian didn't enlighten him on this either... probably best of he didn't know quite frankly, so long as it wasn't a Talon to his shin, it probably wouldn't be to excessive. [color=green]"Only that you don't put me in the same session as that abomination, the "ex" cerberus guy, otherwise that's everything, thanks Konare."[/color] Giles turned from her after giving a small nod of the head and left the room.