[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/321534524594847747/58a05e5162bfff3328cfcc7df52fcaca.png[/img][/center] [color=FF5353][b]'...S-Should I say something...?'[/b][/color] the massive nearly ten foot [url=https://i.imgur.com/uQGRtua.png]figure[/url] wondered, standing at the side of a wall in hiding. Despite having been invited the same as the rest, he still felt an intense sense of reservation as he listened to their introductions. Just when he was about to pop out, a really mean girl started telling everyone how to call her and aaaaah...now they were arguing and he just...just didn't wanna be a part of that. He didn't want to get yelled at by the racist hero or the scary rotting lady...Taking in a deep breath as he tried to steel his resolve to actually talk to someone, he exhaled deeply, his steel helmet giving him an illusion of anonymity, Magnus, half northman half Minotaur stepped boldly out...with nobody looking anymore. A slight sigh escaped him, before he stepped forward and into the building. His steps undoubtedly posed a danger to the barely standing structure as he thundered inside, striding forward and puffing his chest out like he was some sort of badass. Of course, once he saw the quest board being picked apart, he knew he had to hurry up and choose his quest. Making his way through while trying to avoid being the center of attention despite being 9'7", having a mane of white hair down to his waist, more muscles than a Jinko, and a bovine tail sticking out of a small slit in the back of his loincloth. Totally inconspicuous. [color=FF5353][b]"E-Excuse me, pardon..."[/b][/color] he said, barely squeezing by Marcello, Tue, and Syszi as he approached the board, seeing only a few quests left. [color=FF5353][b]"...A mystery...?"[/b][/color] he muttered to himself as he looked over the request for [i]A Strange Tale[/i]. Nodding to himself that he was...pretty sure this was better than explaining a map that he knew nothing about and gathering stuff for a party he knew nothing about. Taking it from the board quietly, he came to the realization that he hadn't introduced himself at all...and thus, would likely be the last pick for anybody to join up with. Frantically looking around, he hoped that perhaps someone would take notice of his currently solo job, his father's axe strapped onto his back and moving ever so slightly as he turned his head, still obscured by his helmet. ...Wait, his helmet! Thinking about it, he probably looked intimidating because of it, what with the lack of any indication if he looked trustworthy. Taking off his helmet slowly, he started with the strap on the back, then the front latch, horn covers, and voila. [url=http://i.imgur.com/EZwkVWg.jpg]Magnus[/url]. Relieved a bit not only by his face being visible and also being able to breath, he really hoped someone would help with this...he didn't even know where Boreal Port WAS. Wait...was that a cat!? Oh gods that thing is so cute...don't pet it don't pet it don't pet it...people will think you're weird. Gulping, Magnus slowly reached out to try and pet the cat before realizing it was on a person. It took nearly all of his tremendous self-control to NOT pet the cat on someone's shoulder like a weirdo, and instead start trying to work up the courage to ask someone for help. Being a terrible Berserker was the pits...