Martyn bought the rolls of cloth he needed and put them in a sack, which he slung over his shoulder. He then headed towards the magik shop. When he had first been hired by Sage, he had suggested that they mix some of the potions that could be bought there into the cloth to make it better. Fireproofing Potion was an obvious one, Elasticizing Potion was to keep it from tearing as easily, and they used Anti-Absorbtion Potion to keep staining to a minimum. Sure, some people might leave those things out so the people would have to buy from the store more often, but Sage was a very honest man, and Martyn was doing his best to also be honest. He opened the door and walked up to the desk, where Vanelope usually was to sell the potions, but she wasn't there. Instead, a girl with red hair and looked a little younger than Martyn himself was there. "May I speak to Ms. Vanelope, please?" He asked politely.