[h2][center]Esther von Degraff[/center][/h2] [hr] Just as Esther thought she would be fighting the three wolves alone, she then heard Gradon's voice shouting for her from the raging snow. "I'm here! I'm here!" she quickly responded, shouting as loud as she could. She didn't care if it might attract even more wolves to her position. With Gradon aiding her, they should be able to handle them easily. She felt her ability was more suited for defense than offense, and Gradon would provide that offensive edge. "Be careful! There are wolves--" Her warning was too late however as Gradon had tripped on one of them, thanks to how terrible the view distance was in the snowstorm. Luckily, Gradon rolled right towards her position, and after he got up, he nonchalantly greeted her like nothing had happened. "Yes! We'll defeat them all for sure!" Esther replied, her eyes twinkling with excitement. When the wolves leaped at them, she quickly erected her wind barrier, blocking them all in mid-air once again. As they were momentarily stunned, she used the opportunity to launch a wind blade towards one of them. And this time, her attack actually landed, almost bisecting the creature into two as the wind tore into its stomach. "One down!" she shouted cheerfully. [@TheWindel]