[@Kafka Komedy][@Krayzikk][@Write][@Plank Sinatra] [s][url=https://youtu.be/Xl6EiCIZYhI]Ah, so it's time, oh shit wrong playlist[/url][/s] [b][url=https://youtu.be/GsHoDndFkA0]Sasori and Co. Investigations[/url][/b] The building that the quartet of youths sought blended well into its suburban environs, distinguishable only by the presence of a glass door upon which was written the name of agency: "Sasori and Co. Investigations". Its colours were a fading red, the brick that had been used in its construction having weathered years upon years of erosion at the hands of global warming, drive-by shootings and the general effects of elements due to the passing of time. A white Toyota HiAce, one with scratches and dents clearly noticeable upon its front, was parked in front, being attended to by some lime-haired motorman. That motorman, a well-dressed rube-lookin' fella with ruby peepers, turned around to take a gander at the incoming quartet. His rags were a pretty queer sight, like he'd just stepped outta the pictures, and that funny lid sitting on his green mop didn't help the image. Everything just screamed 'shamus', and one didn't need to be a real Einstein to figure out the score: this was the dick they were lookin' for. Yoshinori Sasori, whoopee gumshoe from suburbia. Another thirty-one year old bub. Unmarried. "What's the damage, kids?" he asked in greeting, calling over to them with an easy grin.