Hey all. I was away on holiday for something over a week, and honestly? Even before that I wasn't really in the frame of mind, or particularly harbouring any desire to make any posts. Honestly, the enthusiasm for online RP has just died for me. I was pretty excited about this game to begin with, but really, having to keep defending everything I do as a GM is getting remarkably tedious and has absolutely murdered my enjoyment of the game. And as it was, I was only coming back to RPGuild out of boredom and idle curiosity. This has experience has basically firmly hammered the nail into the coffin for online RP for me; I can get more enjoyment out of writing my own fiction, and tabletop RP scratches my RP itch more than adequately, and with considerably less aggrevation. Thanks to the vast majority of you who were actually a lot of fun to RP with, and whose characters and posts I really enjoyed and for showing interest in the first place. But I'm pretty much done. Thanks again, and sorry for leaving you hanging for this long with no replies.