[@TechnoWizROK] Okay, you will need to edit - you broke several rules in your last post. 1) You said something was there when you didn't know 2) You autoed 3) You Gmed It all revolves around saying he found a walker. Remember, nothing is in a scene unless the GM says it is. No walker, no nothing. In the post it said there was a banging, it didn't say it was a walker. If had been a walker, all you could have done is attempt to attack it, not kill it out right. But again, since it was never stated, he doesn't know what was in the room making the noise. These will have to be edited out and fixed before your counter hits 8 (it is considered an unposted and incomplete post currently) Edit: Actually, will give you 24 hours from your current post to edit and fix since you are not used to this yet. (Will be the only get out jail free card given.)