The buffet dinner had been... alright, for Vera. It was hardly near what she was usually served back home, but she had to constantly remind herself not to judge anything at the academy by her old standards. Being judged by superficial standards her whole life and only now having the freedom not to worry about what others thought, she figured she owed the same to the school and those here with her. Although it might take awhile, because as they say, 'old habits die hard', she was determined to do her best on this journey of 'self-discovery'. No doubt the academy would provide numerous opportunities for her to see what's out there, take risks, and grow as a person. One such opportunity came that very night, though it was actually nearly the next morning, when one of the senior students came knocking on her door to invite her to an event called the 'Midnight Run'. Having already retired to her quarters and embracing the comfort of being indoors, her first response was, of course, to decline the invitation. However, with persistent coaxing from the older student, she was reminded of the so-called pledge she had made to herself to rise to new challenges and take risks. That was what eventually had her standing at the boundary of the dormitory grounds ten minutes later with several other first-years. Naturally, Vera was at least a little apprehensive about what was to come. How would the sheltered rich girl fare against the sporty, adventurous kids who probably had skills she didn't? No, it wasn't about whether or not she could do it, but what mattered was that she gave it a go. Besides, the senior students were there to make sure that it would be safe, right? She had already been pleasantly surprised at the level of authenticity displayed by both teachers and students on her first day at the academy. These people weren't embarrassed or afraid to 'look bad' in front of others. There was a sentiment of acceptance at this school, and there wasn't anything to prove to anyone. After the event leader shot a flame into the air, Vera took off into the forest with the other participants. There was a rule that prevented them from using their elemental abilities, so she used the flashlight from her mobile phone to see where she was going. In the distance, she spotted a number of the participants gathering and moving along in a line. She immediately ran over to join them, figuring that they must have found the main path, though, after some time, she realized that the students in front of her were splitting up and going off in different directions, as the main path had divided into various smaller ones. She had to quickly decide which one she would take, and this, she couldn't simply toss a coin for. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!” She muttered under her breath, planning on picking a path once she got to the crossroads.