[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Cecily[/color] & [color=99ccff]Iris[/color][/h1][hr]Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building [/center][hr][hr]Cecily couldn't help but feel almost calmed by Keystone's Cockney rage. It cut through the tension like in a Marvel movie, where the seriousness was replaced with one character acting almost goofily. And while she was sure Keystone didn't mean to seem ridiculous, he also had said [i]bacon-wrapped hell.[/i] It was the type of phrase that went on a t-shirt, alongside a picture of Rocket the Raccoon. But as she glimpsed the increased irritation in Proserpine's face, as well as the shortness from the far smaller man's voice, she felt the gravity of the situation once more. The girl's cries for help brought her fully back into the more appropriate mentality, and once again, Cecily couldn't help but feel dismayed that there was a hostage. Otherwise, they could have arrested Proserpine already. Closure could have been achieved. [i]Tutwiler?[/i] She hadn't the faintest clue what it was. She couldn't help but imagine a Guantanamo Bay like complex, or perhaps even like Blackgate Prison in the DC comics. Or maybe it was some sort of special academy, where special forces were trained? Or perhaps a scene of a notorious fight? Either way, if they made it out of this intact, she was [i]definitely[/i] going to do a google search or two. Iris, however, let out a sigh of frustration, back in Cynthia's room. She couldn't hear any sirens and from what she could tell, SWAT wasn't even close to arriving at the asylum yet. The seconds seemed to drag on like hours and she felt like a sitting duck, just waiting for some horrible thing to happen, and doing nothing to prevent it. Tugging on her hair, she then glanced around Cynthia's room. Maybe there'd be something in there to help, at least--some sort of clue as to who the woman outside was. And while she felt it was a bit unethical, it was her best option. She started to look through Cynthia's things, hoping to stumble across something useful.