[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/dde661389331ea75740a4e6657bc0212/tumblr_inline_nm9gdxOF3y1rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: the Medical Bay ---> the Captain's Office[/center][hr][hr]Dorothy's head snapped in the direction of the intercom as she heard Anisa's voice. The anger in it made Dorothy's stomach churn and for a moment, she felt quite ill. She wasn't entirely sure what set Anisa off this time, but given that the Captain wasn't outside dealing with the buyer, it couldn't have been anything good. She sighed slightly, trying to mentally prepare herself for whatever had gotten Anisa worked up. Perhaps the deal had gone sour, she figured. But at the same time, she figured there was a decent chance it had to do with her sister. [color=#4dffa6]"Yes, it would seem so,"[/color] Dorothy agreed quietly, feeling perhaps a bit bad for Jahosafat. Maybe she had judged him too harshly before, but the man seemed more peculiar than prone to alcoholism. She was grateful that he had set about packing, since they didn't need any more trouble that day. [color=#4dffa6]"Just remember--we can't take anything that's Alliance. Nothing that could be tracked or identified."[/color] And then, steeling her nerves, Dorothy left the medical bay and headed for the Captain's Office. She could only hope that Anisa would be calm, but she had heard her friend's voice ring out over the intercom. That wasn't how a calm Anisa sounded. Once she reached the Captain's Office, Dorothy knocked on the door, waiting for Anisa to tell her to enter. [color=#4dffa6]"Captain? You wanted to see me?"[/color] Dorothy called out, letting Anisa know that it was her standing outside the door.