[@Varicke] Ivy saw a new person. She beamed as she bounced over to him. She bounced around the new boy excitedly. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! WELCOME TO CAMP! YOU'RE LATE! YOU'VE MISSED AN EVENT! WE WENT MOUBRAIN CLIMBING! I THINK IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR LUNCH! MY NAME IS IVY! WHAT'S YOUR NAME! I CAN CONTROL FIRE! WHAT CAN YOU DO? MY BROTHER BROUGHT ME HERE ARE YOU ALONE?"[/color] She demanded as she moved around the boy excitedly. [@Blueflame] [color=6ecff6]"Sure. Don't worry about it. I'm glad to help."[/color] Kelly assured the boy as he lead him to the counselors. They looked up in unison. [color=a187be]"Welcome. We have another coming. We will put you to in the squirrel cabin. We will show you that I'm a few minutes. If you like you may set your stuff here. And watch the others."[/color] the counselors explained.