Appearance: [img=] Name: Deus Ex Machina Canon Information 1.7 meters, immensely old. Like, watches evolution happen levels of old. Exact age is unknown, however. Personality: Deus Ex is manipulative and jolly. Life is a game of chess, and he's the grandmaster. He uses anyone and anything as pieces, all to his own amusement, his own life a minor factor in his pursuit of beauty. He is unpredictable in his evilness, but always full of glee, taking great joy in everything he does. Likes: Human creativity, art, good music, dancing, extreme human emotion of any kind, chaos, the souls of the innocent. Dislikes: Order, monotony, simplicity, anything boring or mundane. Powers: Deus ex Machina is a spiritual being, spawned from the combined hopes and dreams of billions of humans. He can blur the edges between thought and reality, effectively creating anything that the people around him can imagine, powered by emotion and thought. Creativity, emotion and art fuel this, meaning that the more emotionally invested the people around him are in the images he creates, the more real and powerful they become. He can twist reality to his needs. For example, he could create a chair with incredible ease, simply by using the background energy of human thought, although the chair would disappear the moment Deus no longer cared about it, as nobody is emotionally invested in it. Furthermore, Deus can create Deals, which bind one's soul. These deals will almost always include your soul becoming his property, for him to constantly torture and please you, a thousand lifetimes of emotional extremes which will drive you insane. These form a constant power source for Deus, and he becomes more dangerous with every soul he takes. Weaknesses: Deus is easily distracted from whatever he's doing, and is a fickle creature, easily persuaded to go bother someone else if you know how. Deus is weakened by anything boring or monotonous or, ironically, by lack of human life. The death of the human race would kill Deus, as he would no longer have a power source. He needs people to think of him in addition to living in order to exist. If all people were to forget about his existence, he would cease to exist. While his souls prevent this effect from killing him, he is severely weakened if nobody remembers him. This is one of the reasons he's constantly asserting his presence to the world, making a big flashy show of everything he does. Character Bio: The human soul is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. The raw essence of life, thought, and potential energy is enormous. The power that has taken over the world, and could build machines to rearrange the stars in the sky. However, of all these powers, the greatest is undoubtedly the human imagination, which can create and destroy entire worlds with ease. This is what Bob is formed from. He was an idea, which pulled other ideas into itself. And the idea snowballed, until it became such a powerful idea, that it became a physical, thinking being. Since that day, Deus hasn't changed a bit, laughing and loving and hating and joking. Mages have feared his interference from the moment of the inception of magic, and he is undoubtedly one of the most hated demons in the magical community for his constant involvement in the affairs of humans.