The girl fainted. For a moment, Zeke just stared at her fallen body. "Are you OK?" He asked. Obviously, no response. So he put his hand on her neck, then licked his fingers and felt for breath. She was OK. Just sleeping. But that couldn't be very comfortable. Zeke stood up and checked both bedrooms. She hadn't set up in either. He pulled the blanket off the one on the right and laid it out next to her. With a careful push, he rolled her onto it, then gathered one end in his hand and pulled her into the room. The next bit was more difficult, but he managed to lift her onto the bed. He even lifted up her head to put a pillow underneath, and tucked her in. Now she won't be uncomfortable. Zeke went to the door, locked it, and then started unpacking his stuff in the bedroom on the left. His half-finished painting of his roommate, with her lilac hair, still hung in midair in the centre of the room. If it didn't fade overnight, he'd have to ask her to sit and let him finish it. [@Aiyanna]