Angela wached as the enforcers left the Forrest an followed Julia to the city after listening to her request to blend in she looked to Vixen. Angela didn't even have to say anything Vixen knew exactly what she was thinking Vixen casted a cloakung on the team making them invisible to all but the members of the team. After that she looked to Julia "don't worry about us we don't need any special gear and if we require more melee weapons we can get them ourselves" Angela then took a look around the city it was amazing the lights hoses shops all made from plants. Angela looked to Gunter and walked over to him "i owe you an apology i didn't mean to lose my temper with you in the Forrest and i know you only did what you thought you hat to inorder to achieve victory so i am sorry." after that she looked to the whole group. "Julia i understand you care for your people and we manged to exape without killing anyone but in exchange we lost a comrade so i am afraid we won't be able to hold bak next time and in all honesty you know it an unreasonable request when your fighting for your life so next time we should go for the kill as soon as the battle begins."