[@floodtalon][@Sho Minazuki] [@Lazo][@Lugubrious][@kapuchu] Akoni grasped the orb of power tightly, feeling it burning his hands. This was amazing! Yet it felt more bothersome than it was worth, at least for the time being. It created such a dense field of magic that his own spells couldn't properly operate near the thing. Once he learned to use it, that wouldn't be a problem. Such a thing would take time, and study, neither of which he had. Not since the Hatred decided it was in fact [i]not[/i] going to die as easily as it should, and actually received reinforcements. It seemed the demons outside the structure had either gained the upper hand in the battle, or threw all caution to the wind in a Hail Mary. Worse still, the Hatred was glowing with the same power as the orb Akoni now clutched. Somehow, without ever getting close, it was connected to the thing. Siphoning power. This was [i]unacceptable.[/i] The old wizard called upon all his knowledge of the arcane arts, utilizing his intuition, experience, and even falling back into the dark magics that had originally raised him. The air around distorted as though in a haze, fueled not by heat but by raw, and potent, magical energy. This haze molded into a single point of swirling mass, then blasted forth on Akoni's command, aimed right for the Hatred's metallic chest. The creature's were thin, but the center of mass should still be easy enough to strike.