Dyn grit his teeth as was typical of him when there was nothing to do. Eliza, Koan and Jill were busy talking at this creature with words and not really getting much done. The creature was released from its invisible containment and they had a chat, they being the mentioned members of the crew and the wolf thing. Eventually this exchange seemed to near its end as the gnome reached forward with the encouragement of the shapechanger and... well, it ended about as well as one might have thought. The frost that was enough to freeze their ship cared little of her little Fire Shield and froze the gnome's arm solid. Well, to be fair the wolf had warned her, but Dyn still felt a sting of anger in him as the creature bellowed more about wanting their help. "Right, right, let me introduce myself to you as well, Bleeding!" Dyn bellowed, not even bothering to attempt pronouncing the name of the creature correctly. "My name is Dyn'yer'zhead and I am most appalled by your gall to threaten us with death, only to demand our help mere moments after. Not to mention you have failed to share what you need the help with. And know this, I will not be roped to any contract with the other side hiding the obligations of it, no way. Bark up the details or consider your request dismissed!" Dyn was amazed with his ability to keep things mostly professional. The Beholder slowly floated towards his injured crewmate and laid his many eyes on the frostbite. "You are no use to us with a hand like that. Get yourself to the caboose to warm up", he instructed the other wizard. The fact his voice lacked any hint of sympathy was nothing new. Turning to the wolf again, Dyn bared his teeth but said not a word to accompany it. Maybe, just maybe, the wolf would bother giving them the details they'd need for the decision.