The ruffling of the little girl's head caused the blonde sorceress' eyes to narrow. Pure hatred radiated from what was normally a divine countenance that drew men to distraction. How dare that little bitch! The Overlord was her, hers and hers alone! She was so livid, so filled with rage that she completely ignored the Overlord's statement. After all, she didn't think it was intended for her. Assallya was momentarily taken aback, her azure eyes widening. The Overlord intended on her sending warriors to some obscure village? That was something of a shock. She wasn't a general or a warrior. She had no warriors to call her own. She rather wished she could put together a cabal of magi but she rather suspected that even daring to ask permission to build such a thing would be tantamount to treason. "I will find a general at once," Assallya answered, not really sure what else to say, "and have the men sent out immediately." Stepping aside, she released her hold on the overlord's arm for she needed space and placed her right foot behind her left. She then bent her knees and lowered herself, bowing her golden head and displaying her flexibility with the depth of her curtsy. "Begging your leave my lord."