[b][u]The Elemental King and Scarlet Overkill[/u][/b] It all started with the prophecy. The King ruled for the longest time. Nobody really knows how long the King has really ruled for. To be honest, before the prophecy, it was rather peaceful. The Elemental King would only slaughter those who committed crimes. He made an example of whoever he killed, so others would fall in line. After a while, there was no crime. People got used to their new life, their new ruler. Sure, they lived in fear, but a lot of people knew, that if they behaved and followed the rules, no harm would come to them. Then, it happened. The prophecy came, a tale of eight children who would step up and dethrone the Elemental King. After the prophecy came, the Elemental King slaughtered every child he could find in every country and place he owned. Soldiers and Golems ripped babies out of mother's arms, killing them in cold blood. The Elemental King's true colours were shown. "Scarlet, report, now!" "Your Majesty, no sign of the chosen ones have been seen yet. What shall you have me do, sir?" "Hmmmmm.......Good, good but go search again. Look everywhere. Send airships to the skies, submarines and battleships to the sea, search every volcano and every damn city or place with volcanoes. Check every mine, every mountain and any villages nearby. Tear down every church, check every power plant, go to every graveyard! Leave no area unmarked. I want you to send as many soldiers and golems as possible. Zuko, I want you to search too." With that, the Elemental King rose from his throne as Scarlet and Zuko left the room. He gave a small snicker, before clicking his fingers and with that, he disappeared. Still no sign of the chosen ones. Was the prophecy a lie? Maybe, but he couldn't take any chances. He wouldn't take any chances. No matter what. [b][u]Distial[/u][/b] Distial walked over to one of the graves slowly, she pressed her hand on it, and gently pushed the cover from it, revealing a skeleton. She stared at it for a moment, before nodding to herself. She placed a few flowers within the coffin and then returned the lid to it's rightful position. The old, ancient, Temple of Shadows. No light entered the temple. It was always so dark and gloomy. Perfect for her. Of course, she has never gone to the outside world, and never planed to. Hidden deep within an abandoned graveyard. No ordinary person would ever come across it. Although, she wasn't an ordinary person now. In fact, she was born within the Shadow Temple, and now, forever bound to it. [b][u]Master Grey[/u][/b] Master Grey, he who is an old man. Over two hundred years old, and still as fit as a fiddle. How does he do it? A man his age would be withered, dead, a mere skeleton. Not him, he walked over to a large map placed on the table and stared at it for a moment. Slowly, he grabbed a small tube and dropped a small blue droplet onto the map. At first, nothing happened, and he let out a sigh, although after a moment, the droplet of water moved suddenly over to the Atlantic Ocean. Master Grey smiled, it was finally time. They had finally shown themselves. Of course, the map only gave a general idea where the elementals were, he would have to find them himself. He rolled up the map and placed it in a bag with everything he needed. It would be a long journey, but he would do whatever it took to find the chosen ones. Slowly a large gate opened, and Master Grey stepped out which revealed a huge underground cave. Hastily, Master Grey began his journey, walking out of his home. [b][u]Julia[/u][/b] Julia walked slowly around the village. Her soft blue eyes studied the area for a moment. She took the bag from the back and then placed it down on the floor. She took out a quick map for a moment and gave a small smile, nodding to herself. She had a feeling something was hidden here, it was just a feeling in her gut. After all, this was the closest village to the Elemental King's Castle. There had to be something here, right? Maybe? She didn't know but she hoped. She had been searching for a while, and she hoped that she could do whatever she could to help. She placed the map away, then zipped up her bag and placed it back on her back, sighing softly. For now, she would just wait. Soon, the Chosen Ones would appear, and when that time comes, her purpose would reveal itself. [b][u]Seth[/u][/b] Seth sat upon her house, watching the village from high above. She had lived in this village for years now. In fact, she was the leader of a resistance against the tyrant king. She smiled to herself, still in her armour of course. Her sword sheathed and away. She never took of her battle armour, never. She was a born warrior, she was just itching for a fight. She jumped down from the building and stretched herself out with a yawn. It was time she set out once more to do another search for the elementals. Although, just as she was about to start walking, Seth jumped back quickly as over two hundred golems flew past her at the very least. She watched as they all split and went in different directions. Shortly after, soldier after soldier marched forward in a hurried pace. Some followed Scarlet, while some would go with Zuko. Others would go off in groups on their own. It seemed the Elemental King was doing another search too. Seth looked up to the sky and as expected Air Ships, Gun Ships and Jets flew through the sky. The army was most impressive. She had to hurry, with this kind of search the Elemental King was bound to find one of the chosen ones eventually. Quickly, Seth hurried her pace, she had to find one of the Chosen Ones, she just had to. Isabella ran quickly, her scythe out, covered in blood. She was panting heavily, she looked back and as she did, a twenty five golems chased her. A few of them fired fireballs, lightning bolts, and whatever else they possessed. She continued to run, and quickly pointed her hand to a boulder, using the particles from that, she made herself as hard as rock, allowing her to take a few hits before more blood spilled out but it was nothing compared to what she would of taken. She ran into the village, continuing to pant as she ran in, she fell to the ground. She looked back to see the golems continuing to chase her. She sighed softly, she was badly injured, covered in cuts, bruises and blood. She needed help, she needed to find somebody, she quickly got herself up and continued to run. She could heal herself with her power, but she hadn't the energy to do so. She kept running but she had fallen over. She was done for, dead, or so she thought. It was then that a woman who possessed a huge sword with razor sharp edges came jumping down off a building and sliced one of the Golems in half. She then span around and threw her sword in the chest of another. She reached out her hand and the sword came back to her on it's own. The golems however, were going to be a bigger problem than she realised. As earth began to surround her, with the floor beginning to grow hotter by the second. A huge lightning storm had appeared, while gale winds were knocking her off balance. Shadows were holding her in place, and she was blinded by the light. Metal from the earth was beginning to wrap around her and trap her, finally water was beginning to fill the confined space Seth was in. Within minutes, she too would die. Her sword glowed brightly, and the sword acted on it's own. It sliced through the shadows that bound her and she grabbed her sword, she then jumped up, using her sword to smash through the prision that trapped her using her battle magic. Afterwards she continued to cut down the golems one by one. ithin a few minutes, all the golems were destroyed. Seth turned to Isabella and gave her a small smile. "Are you alright? You must be pretty important if all those golems were after you. My name is Seth, who are you?" Isabella slowly stood up with a sigh and gave a small smile to her "My name is Isabella, and I am searching for the Chosen Ones. I have possible known whereabouts to their locations. The Elemental King has already stolen all of my data, well most of it. I kept it on a map where the best places to search would be, now he has it." She sighed, and slowly, Seth nodded to her. The situation was worse than she thought. Things were getting bad, and it wouldn't be long until the elementals, if they were here would be forced to reveal themselves whether they liked it or not.