[@Rin] [quote=@Rin] Y'know... Why not. Might work out better this way I guess, since One Piece RPs never seem to work out for me for various reasons. 1x1s seem to be going a lot better for me than group RPs right now anyways. XD [/quote] Yeah. Group rps seem a bit harder to work with what with inconsistencies between different players. So, one on one should work out a lot better so long as both players are consistent with their replies. AT least that's how it goes in theory. Is there a focus in particular you'd like the rp to be? I mean, should we go the classic dreamers heading for the ONe piece route? What about agents for the revolutionary army? Bounty hunters? Marines? Do you prefer pms or threads? Personally I find threads a bit easier to keep track with. Are you okay with the idea of splitting control of a full crew and take turns with the arcs? We could start off slow with one character each until we're comfortable with more.