[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZWrE8lU.png[/img] Location: Atlantic Ocean [/center] Roughly where Master Grey’s water droplet had moved itself there was initially nothing, just water, as far as the eye could see under the clear morning sky. Then a smudge of black appears on the glimmering surface of the sea. It grows in size rapidly, then for but a moment the smudge becomes physical, the surface of the ocean bulging, rising, before splitting asunder, revealing an abyssal horror of unimaginable proportions, a colossal thing with far too many eyes, mouths and tentacles. Atop this horror is its mistress, she stands where she had been holding on to one of its immense spines during the accent and takes her first lungful of air. She finds it surprisingly refreshing. Yet it still feels wrong. She has always know it was here, this world above the waves. In her time in the Esoteric Order of Dagon she had learned to feel it’s presence, hanging ominously above her as she navigated the ocean's deapths, but this was the first time she had breached the veil. In times gone by the Atlanteans had been free to enter and exit this world as they pleased, any sightings put down as tall tales from sailors who had spent to long at sea. With the advent of the camera however and then the elemental kings dominion, those days had passed first into memory and then into history as the man simply refused to do the decent thing and die of old age. She may very well be the only one of her kind alive to know how it felt to have the warm rays of the sun kiss her skin. She wasted about a minute simply taking it in, perhaps unconsciously putting of the decision she had to make, basking in the ignorance of how unprepared she was for this. Then she sighed softly, accepting the knowledge that she had no idea where she was going. In the end she simply chose a direction at random and, though she was blind to its glory, turned the great beast towards the rising sun to the east. Storm clouds gathered as the water in the sky’s gathered to escort their champion, coming down to be as close to her as possible, shrouding the child of water in a comforting fog as she headed towards the unseen light.