The battle may be slow, but I don't think it's that dead. It's that time of the year again, so I guess that activity is unavoidably going to take a dip. That said, [@Lmpkio], I tell you to not wait for [@Ryonara] for too long, we never know when he can have another RL emergency and be unable to play for some time. Adding the benefit of the doubt to it, I say that more or less 01 week since their last post is more than enough to be considered a safe/fair wait. After this we can call them again, giving a few days, if nothing still happens we move on while sidelining any stuck characters. Of course, if people say that it's RL stuff tying their hands, but give us a time to wait, we do wait. After this next limit passes, we move on as said above. I think something like this is only fair for everyone. Later, I'll compile a small record of the battle later to see who's doing what and should/not post now, in order to keep some track of the ongoing conflict.