[quote=@KoL] The battle may be slow, but I don't think it's that dead. It's that time of the year again, so I guess that activity is unavoidably going to take a dip. That said, [@Lmpkio], I tell you to not wait for [@Ryonara] for too long, we never know when he can have another RL emergency and be unable to play for some time. Adding the benefit of the doubt to it, I say that more or less 01 week since their last post is more than enough to be considered a safe/fair wait. After this we can call them again, giving a few days, if nothing still happens we move on while sidelining any stuck characters. [/quote] Very well, I can continue. However, you want me to just have Mephilius knocking her off somewhere and keep going? Or just simply post for Unit T. Thinking the former but Im just wanting to be sure.