Griffin had been surprised when his father announced that he was sending him to school. His father had never been big on book learning. So this sudden announcement came as a shock until his father explained that this school was supposed to be good at turning rebellious trend into what their parents wanted them to be. Griffin had no idea how the school would do that considering all things his father had done to him trying to get him get him to follow in his footsteps. As far as Griffin was concerned that was never going to happen. He didn't care what the school or his father did he would never be his father. He saw being sent away as his first chance at freedom. He would learn how to function on land and then he was going to make a life of his own. Griffin saw the school as a perfect way for him to learn what he needed to know. His father put him in a row boat with a few belongings and one of his best men. The man stayed with him until the carriage arrived. Griffin knew it was just in case he tried to run but what his father didn't know was that wasn't his intent. Not yet anyway. He was dressed in a big hat with a feather, red coat with old fashion buttons, white shirt with puffy tie like thing, black short pants, long white sox, black boots. When the carriage arrive he climbed in without thinking. He assumed it would be empty. But it was full. He smirked to hide the fear that filled him at being trapped in a small enclosed space with a bunch of strangers. [color=39b54a]"Who wanted to sit next to the pirate?"[/color]