[@KatherinWinter] Kaeden stood up from his spot on the ground, patting off any dirt on the back of his jeans. The girl was still hopping around him like a bunny on too much sugar. He fixed up his hair and, figuring he wasn't in any real danger, faded his wings back into the astral. He lifted a finger to speak but the girl was constantly moving around him and he couldn't even keep his eyes on her to properly say anything [i]to[/i] her, unsure if she was even paying attention. [color=8493ca]"U-um... can you-"[/color] She just wouldn't stop moving, he was beginning to wonder if she was okay. [color=8493ca]"Can you maybe... show me where I'm supposed to go?"[/color] he finally finished his sentence. [i][color=a187be]'I hope they're not all like this...'[/color][/i] he worried.