[@Soph123] [color=yellow]"Well if you can learn to control it, then you won't have to hide it. Unlike me and Neric anyway..."[/color] *James looking at his Void as it looked up at him, sighing softly* [color=yellow]"It's kinda hard, most of his kin are just flat out evil. Thankfully he isn't."[/color] The little cat Void would get up, looking around as he spoke to both of them. [color=black]"Pardon me madam, you wouldn't happen to have a music device would you? I'm going to let James attempt his art without me...'[/color] Which made James's eyes widen just a tad and for a moment, his nervousness setting in. [color=black]"I always found it easier to do artwork while listening to music, though always depends on my mood. Whether it be the flute and melody I heard in the past or that Rock music I heard. Some of it is kinda good at least, certain ones I like... anyway I would give it right back."[/color] If she agreed, he would thank her and carefully take the device in his black cloud around him and walk off to one of the portrait stands nearby. A good distance away. If not, he would thank her anyway and head off looking for a device or to ask someone. Him leaving either way. James would chuckle softly, looking back at Charlotte with a smile. [color=yellow]"Well, should we start ourselves? I think the counselors said we were suppose to draw a picture of the other person in regardless to their life? I don't remember fully. But do you want me to go first? Don't wanna push you into something you aren't comfortable with."[/color] Him grabbing some pencils and coloring tools, setting them to the side when it's his turn to draw her. But for now letting her get ready with whatever she would like. Never losing his nervous smile. [color=yellow]"Whatever you want of course."[/color]