[i]screams softly into the void[/i] Almost done I swear. Expect the OOC to go up sometime late tomorrow. In the meantime, a small peak at the post, a part of the section that describes our starting location: [hider] [h3][u]T H E T E M P E S T A [/u][/h3] [hider=The Twilight Moors] [i]Rocky, grassy, and gloomy, the Tempesta is a land where the sun filters down yellow and full of twilight, and a gentle, perpetual drizzle is steered across the moors by an endless wind. Old stone shacks and hovels dot the countryside, and it seems every third hill has a tomb from a long forgotten war plugged into its side. The Tempesta is a place of travelers: people looking for a place to hide, or people on their way to something better—if they play their cards right.[/i] Our story begins on the moors of the Tempesta, a land without a queen. The Tempesta was once the great gateway between the south and the far west, though in recent years the old routes have fallen into disrepair, and the September Revolt has scattered warriors, insurgents, heroes, and murderers all across the hidden crevices of the land. The Tempesta is one of the few places were magic is largely tolerated, and charms and superstition have long been a part of the folk-culture of the Tempesta moors. As our starting location, and as the home of likely most of the cast, this will probably be the most relevant section within the location listing. [indent][b] ❖ The September Revolt ❖ [/b] [indent]The Revolt was a bloody and drawn out civil war that occurred five years ago earlier, fought between the Army of Heroes and the People’s Legion, with the Legion ultimately triumphant. Though most Tempestans see the Revolt as first and foremost a power struggle, despite the Legion’s insistence on its ideological aspects, the Army is largely seen in a worse light than the Legion. As the losing side, the Army of Heroes is blamed most often for prolonging the war. The war was ended when General Nostro, commander of the Legion, took control of Castle Miranda, which until that point had stayed neutral. Endangering one of the only remaining Cities of the Sisters was a controversial and unexpected move, and caused no small amount of discontent across the Tempesta, though it was an act that essentially won the war. Though the Legion labels the war as a clash of ideals, ultimately, most people are just glad the fighting is finally over. During the final few months of the war, after Castle Miranda was taken, a vicious battle of attrition raged across the land, with both the Army and the Legion resorting to brutal strategies to gain ground. The Army forced themselves on towns and delivered brutal punishment to any Tempestan who refused to help, desperate to retain power even after losing their stronghold. The Legion engaged in indiscriminate massacres to combat the Army’s guerilla tactics, and consolidate its rule as quickly as possible. These last months were known as the Unforgivens.[/indent] [b] ❖ The Army of Heroes ❖ [/b] [indent]The Army of Heroes had been the near undisputed masters of the Tempesta for over fifty years, founded by the legendary Mauslin Lombardo, a knight who saved the town of Islington after recruiting a small band of normal Tempestans and leading them against a werewolf pack. The Army had long considered itself a protector and preserver of Tempestan culture, and was strongly opposed to changes in technology, economy, or societal structure. They eventually gained a reputation for luxurious living, corruption, and extortion, though were always quite effective at killing monsters and protecting the populace. Generally, they were more professional in the north, and less so in the south, nearest to Quishan, where the region was safer thanks to Quishani soldiers from Everparch Fortress. The Army of Heroes was well trained, and the members who have survived this long are either particularly skilled, particularly lucky, or particularly ruthless. Some still fervently oppose the Legion, though most others are tired, jaded, and hope for nothing more than surviving as long as they can. Many have tried fleeing to the south, in Quishan, which the Army had always been on amicable terms with, though Quishan has been careful to avoid conflict with General Nostro, and has turned back many refugees straight into the arms of the People's Legion[/indent] [b] ❖ The People’s Legion ❖ [/b] [indent]Led by General Nostro, the People’s Legion was originally a small town militia operating out of the Prospero Lowlands. Where the nationalistic Army of Heroes wished to preserve the Tempeta’s culture, the nationalistic Legion wishes to see the Tempesta consolidate and unify as a world power. Technically speaking, the Tempesta is a protectorate of the Queendom of Quishan, though King Masbeth is so hands off the region basically runs itself. However, the Legion believes it is imperative the Tempesta make a public break from Quishan and establish itself as a new empire, harkening back to the days of Miranda Newcastle herself. Their uniform consists of a forest-green cloak and a mud green uniform with shiny gold buttons. Each Legionairre is usually equipped with an iron shortsword, though equipment varies from position to position and duty to duty. The People’s Legion is significantly more pro-magic than practically any other group on Invernier, save maybe one or two very obscure cults and hunter societies. The Legion believes in restoring the legacy of Queen Miranda, who was considered the mightiest magician of the Sisters, and made notable advances in the Susurrespe, Old Soot, and Majino styles. Many magicians, fearing persecution in their own lands, have travelled to the Tempesta to seek employ with General Nostro, or simple shelter in one of the more tolerant hamlets. Most Tempestans see these folk as intruders and moochers, and visibly foreign magicians are generally shunned.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/hider] [quote=@wxps350] I might play some Crookish Knight, who puts himself first. [/quote] That sounds like a blast. There were plenty of strong but crooked knights in the Army of Heroes, so that could be a neat way to build up backstory for your character, if you want. Or go for something totally different, a corrupt warrior gives you a billion and one different stories to try writing.