Reemes finished loading his weapon with a wide and shark-like grin on his face from the startlement of the jester and the nose full of arse the little micro-mage got. Reemes snorted and threw his back joining Dyn's chorus of horrible laughter. He stopped quickly when Koan started to move away and the wolf agreed to let the gnome pet him. Well, that was a rather unexpected turn of events. However, as Reemes stuffed his pistol back into the holster at his hip, he knew it would be a terrible idea to touch something like that. It was common sense really. The thing was practically made of the shrill voice of a mother-in-law who lived in your guest room, proper freezing. He opened his mouth as she started to cast her spell, thinking of warning the little wizard, but, then thought better of it. Or, perhaps he thought worse of it. As she finished her spell Reemes stepped over to the jester doing the strangest ritual he had ever seen and chanting some kind of madness that even he was a little wary of. He nearly stopped moving towards the second maddest person on the boat before he remembered that he was on the top of that list, and, worst she could do was say something almost as crazy as something he might say. So, he continued to her and leaned in as Eliza reached out for the wolf. "A ducett says 'er arm turns icy'n'solid like Northern berg." as soon as he offered this bet to Koan though his suspicion was proved perfectly correct. He snapped his fingers in irritation as the saner members of the crew moved to help, "Awwe!" Reemes grumbled, "N'shake on it s'don't count. I ain't a cheater'o'me own crew, see?" he said with a disappointed glance over at Koan. He darted his eyes back to the scene by the wolf though as the great big bollock of a pirate started to talk to the frosty dog. The nasty piece of work that floated about the ship had some good points. Reemes hated doing things without details, the devil was in those, y'ken? Yes, y'ken it very well. Was all happy and fun talk until you really knew what you were doing. Then it was all lies and guns. He didn't mind a bit of lies and guns but he liked to know if that was going to happen before others did. Best to be the one resorting to violence than the victim of someone quicker. Reemes dark eyes suddenly danced with ideas and plans, never a good sign. He turned to Koan beside him and gave her a quick, "Right back kullie," he said with a glint of terrible in the whites of his eyes and a smile like the Devil with a married woman on his arm, "Gotta query'm'own t'pose our frosty guest. Keep th'unholy chant y'got goin' fer me." " 'ail! Y'fuckin''orrible bastard you." Calico said as he swaggered over to the flank of the beholder, giving the floating wizard and nod of respect, "Dyn'ere 'as'a good set'o'questions fer ya. Though, Ole Calico Reemes 'ere 'as a request fer s'm payment up front." Reemes took just a second to think just how incredible he was at diplomatic arts before he asked for his up front payment, "I thinks y'owes us an apology, y'ken it? Yes, y'ken well I think. Not jus't'm'scroons 'ere but t'm'wet an' drowny bitch 'neath th'ship. Y'made 'er proper upset, ken it? She nearly tried t'drown even me. This 'ole Gate business 'as made 'er proper mad, see? She needs an apology from y'ilk. Only fair." he crossed his arms over his chest and looked around nodding at all of his companions, "Yeah, right? I'm right on it 'ere, yeah?" he asked and nodded his own confirmation while mouthing what appeared to be agreement from himself. He turned his face back to the wolf and waited for details and the requested apology. [hider=TMechanics] Reemes acts like the living embodiment of rancid grog. A truly acquired taste. [/hider]