[@kapuchu] The post makes it clear she was on the ground and had accepted her fate, she was not moving. Everything that was written made it very clear that she was staying where she was, that was not something I decided on my own. At no point did I take control in anyway and I am not about to have someone else's character start doing things in my post without asking the owner of that character first. You are acting as if not taking control of someone's character without their permission is somehow a bad thing. I did not "Assume" Aleksandra wasn't doing anything, I know for a fact she wasn't doing anything because Rainbow's post clearly states that Aleksandra was making no attempts to fight, or flee, and had accepted her fate. "Silently, she made peace with the fact that she would likely die any second now, and dragged herself around to look at the tree and monster she had only moments before stood in front of. " She was on the ground, and beyond moving to face the monster, she was simply laying there with the mindset she was about to die. If I seem upset about this it is because I very much am. I do [u]NOT[/u] like being accused of things that I have not done, and I am very confused as to how you even came to the conclusion you did given that it is completely clear in Raonbow's post as to the position Aleksandra had been left in. I didn't "Decide" Aleksandra does nothing, I didn't decide anything for a character that isn't mine. All I did was reiterate the position of a character. "The women seemed conscious but she wasn't moving away, instead she laid where she was, facing the beast." this is one of two times where I mention Aleksandra and it gives the same information that Rainbow's post did. Aleksandra is conscious, not moving, and facing the monster. Which in no way deviates from Rainbow's post. In regards to the issue of Lillian's powers, It has been sometime since I wrote her character sheet and the issue of weight has not come up till now. I simply forgot I had given her that limitation. I will of course change my post to correct this mistake and have her do something more inline with what she is actually capable of. I will mark the change with a different colour so it can be picked out. I apologized for that, I simply forgot about that detail.