Lucrica ran a hand through her soaked brown hair as the rain continued to pour. Unlike what was probably a couple of her… were they colleagues or teammates? Sure, they ‘worked’ together hence making them colleagues but teammates seem more… how should she put it? Kinder? Co-operative? Lucrica shook her head. Not time to focus on such things, she definitely will ask the others on their opinion later. Crouched in her spot behind a small collection of low green bushes. Their leaves swayed in the breeze as they were shot by the bullets of fierce rain from the heavens. Iz stood seemingly lonesome. Lucrica almost wanted to stand behind him in silent support. [i]Almost[/i]. Sure, her skill of Apparition hand served her well thus far, putting her ahead to silently survey the area prior to the scene, she knew she would be of little use in this part, the beginning. As her fresh-faced and fierce team erupted out of their hiding spots she would stay in her place, awaiting something useful to do. Sometimes she worried she wasn’t the greatest asset in such a job, she was probably right, but her role head importance too! Right? Lucrica shook that thought out of her head. Another thought for another time. Iz’s speech, as expected, was not effective. They were dark witches and wizards, fat chance they’d go so easily. The rest of her group jumped into action as Lucrica stayed put, watching as her group fought the collection of witches and wizards. She gripped her wand (ebony, unicorn hair core, 13 1/4”, rigid) and pursed her lips, awaiting a useful task to do. For the meantime she looked around at her group and silently hoped for their safety, trying not to flinch and their every new bruise or fresh cut.