[center][color=blue][h2]Matti Virta[/h2][/color][/center] [b]"You've got my hand."[/b] Matti was glad to see that out of the dysfunctional disarray that was his current guild's members, he would be joined by the one entity he had come to show emotion other than indifference or contempt. He gave a quick nod to acknowledge Bunny's words, his eyebrow rising as the Living Doll approached him with her weapon drawn, but not intimidated in the least; even if she intended to attack, which was utterly ridiculous to even think of at that moment, he trusted in his magic to avoid any injuries on his person. In fact, he believed he was one of the hardest members of the guild to kill by mere blade. [color=0054a6]"I am glad to see you are motivated, but we could do without our armaments unsheathed."[/color] [b]"Sorry about that, Matti."[/b] Matti responded with an adjustment of his glasses, with a hint of a smile in hi otherwise neutral expression. [color=0054a6]"Apology accepted. Now then, though I have no reason to doubt your skills of articulation I must say I prefer I have your sword instead, as I trust you to handle that far better for this particular task. Now then, let us leave at once; we have quests to finish and a new business that requires capital."[/color] [hr] During the trip, Matti mostly kept to hovering just off the ground, preferring to let his enchanted boots to do the work for him, but he did take foot every once in a while; as a physician he was very aware of the dangers that atrophying could bring, so he made sure to also give his own legs some activity. He also let Bunny stay on his shoulder if she wanted to, finding her to be quite an amusingly unexpected companion for the quest. [color=0054a6]"May I ask you a question about yourself, miss Bunny? As a Living Doll, were you enchanted to life by a wizard, or has demonic essence possessed your current form?"[/color] [hr] They arrived at Ambran, which Matti found to his liking; as a trading center it has quickly grown into a respected settlement, bringing goods from all across the world. The enchanter himself hoped he would chance upon a rare find after their mission is complete himself; maybe a lump of meteor ore, or an exotic root for potion brewing. If he was lucky, he could even learn more about his enchanting craft. But first, they were off to meeting Samuel Cubbage, who told the guild he would meet at the local inn. [color=0054a6]"Mister Samuel Cubbage I presume?"[/color], he spoke to the group in front of the inn. [color=0054a6]"Greetings. I am Matti Virta and this is my companion Bunny; we represent the newly established guild you have sent your request relating to the local region to. Could you give use a more detailed explanation of your request?"[/color]