[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LmUxMGU0NC5TR0YyYjJzLC4w/future.outrun-future-bold-italic.png[/img][/center] The clouds hung heavy over Detroit, chilly winds swept through it's streets and thunder growled menacingly throughout her skies. It was if the Earth herself sensed the potential of tonight's actions, a notion that brought a wry smile to the face of one particular criminal. Havok sat on a roof overlooking Detroit, steel clad boots tinking off it's walls as he idly swung his legs two to a beat only he could hear. His helmet was currently off, set off to the side as he downed the contents of a flask, washing down the taste of too greasy pizza with the burn of what was no doubt whiskey... or bourbon, Havok didn't know nor particularly care. Havok fidgeted with a small device with an intensity alien to the wayward criminal, the impulsive maniac having left the building awhile now. He was mostly alone now and there was no need to juice up, plus he wanted to savor what was to come unobstructed, unfiltered. A prolonged growl tore through the sky, opening a wound that bled rain gently around the city. With how late it was there was hardly any cars on the roads, only the pitter patter of raindrops heard over the entire city and the peacefulness of it was deafening. The picturesque moment was shattered with a groggy groan of confusion and lingering pain. A wicked smile cracked it's way onto Havok's face as he heard the dawning realization hit his chosen guests like a sack of bricks, the harsh rattle of chains dancing through the air as Havok strapped his helmet on with practiced ease. Deftly spinning around to face his guest Havok's lenses met hazel eyes as the rain began to fall just a little bit harder. [i]"You."[/i] spat the man, venom oozing out of his words like a punctured barrel. "Me." answered Havok, a simple flourish of outstretched arms marking his point while his own enthusiasm bled into his voice. A tense silence filled the air between the two, tension rising to a boiling point before Havok hopped up onto his feet and strode towards his guest. With joviality completely out of place for the situation, Havok began to speak to the man almost as if they had been long lost friends, "I'll say Detective Samuels, you almost got me, that sting near the iron works? Priceless, hell you and your boys even clipped me a few times. I can respect that, so I figured you deserved a very... [i]special[/i] reward." Detective Samuels visibly flinched at those last words, but the fire in his eyes hadn't died down an inch and in fact grew in intensity. Steeling himself, Samuels barked out some fairly simple questions, "What is this? What do you want from me?" To Havok's delight there was no hint of panic in his voice, just genuine, if aggressive, curiosity. Though, given his title of "Detective" this was most likely a give in. Either way, Havok felt like talking anyway. "What do you take me for Sammy? Why, this is nothing but a nice get together!" with a flamboyant flourish Havok grasped at his chest, insincerity dripping from his voice. "But really, isn't it simple? I wanted an audience Sammy, get an outsiders perspective of my work while I'm still in this dirtball of a city." Detective Samuels frowned at this news, gears turning in the back of his skull at the implications of Havok's words. Finally, after some deliberation, Detective Samuels spoke once again. "What are you up to this time?" Though it was unable to be seen, Havok broke out into a mouth splitting smile that bared all his teeth. "Isn't it obvious Sammy? I'm leaving, or at least going to leave. You see, after tonight, there will be nothing left for me to do here and I'll be moving onto grayer pastures." "You're dodging the question Havok, what are you planning huh? What's your game here?" Detective Samuels' words came out forcefully, almost like he was in a position to make demands. Adorable. With a manic chuckle Havok tsked several times before answering, "Now, as much as I'd love to sit around playing twenty questions, I've got a schedule to keep. So here's the deal, you get one wish before I get this party started. Use it wisely Sammy." Detective Samuels debated with himself for awhile, pausing to begin a question before pausing and going back to his mental drawing boards. It was beginning to bore Havok before he opened his mouth and said something that Havok wasn't expecting. "I want to see your face." It was simple enough, but it floored Havok. He'd had expected a [i]"go off yourself"[/i] or an actual rundown of his plans, but nothing like this. A small laugh escaped his lips, quickly devolving into a hysteric cackle. "Ha, he he, Hoo boy that's a rich one Sammy!" Havok made the motions of wiping a tear from his eye, scraping an armored hand over a metal mask. "Fine, I said I'd grant you a wish didn't I? But first, let's deal with that little camera in your head." Before Detective Samuels could object Havok made a hand motion that crushed the robotic eye in it's socket, trashing the camera and causing a strained yelp to push against the back of Detective Samuels teeth. As he recovered Havok began to undo the straps and with an overly dramatic pause, lifted the helmet. The color drained from Detective Samuels face, becoming pale as a ghost. "My god... you're just a kid." he said, disbelief and a little bit of pity escaping into the night air, and Havok didn't care for that shit at all. With a pointed scowl, Havok placed the helmet back on before fishing a device out of his pocket. "Now then, it's about time we get this party on the road, don't you?" With a flourish he flipped the cap on the device, revealing a bright red button. Detective Samuels couldn't even get a "Wait don't!" before Havok pressed down with the finality of God. One moment passes, then two, then a third. Nothing happens. "Must've crossed a wire wrong or something." Havok grumbled to himself, tossing the detonator behind him in a halfhearted manner Havok made his way to an electrical box not far. "At least I have the plan B," He groused before making another motion that sent white hot flame through Detective Samuels as his robotic eye was yanked out of his skull. Focusing on the machine, Havok repaired it and made it face the tallest building in Detroit, The Eye. The hub of law enforcement, information, and all the other infrastructure goodies needed to run a city. He began speaking directly to the people on the other end, Detective Samuels grunts of pain and heavy rain filling the background. The same singsong voice that permeated his speech came out in full force as he fiddled with the electric box, "You are only going to get this once, so listen up you jockey. Warn your boys in New York City because a storm is coming, and it looks just. Like. This." With that Havok flipped a large switch and instantly Detective Samuels began to scream as he fried, the exposed wires that were weaved through the chains keeping him trapped exploding in energy. The whole block blacked out, then the next one, and the next one, every block leading directly to The Eye before suddenly it exploded, every floor belching out a different color before it collapsed in on itself. Havok let the scene play out for a long while, silently basking in the afterglow of such a sight. Then he grabbed the eye and brought it to visor level, his voice falling several dangerous octaves. "Once upon a time your king took everything from me. I'm not going to stop until everything he has burns." The feed was cut off as he crushed it within his hand, leaving nothing but static. Taking a final long look over the new city skyline, Havok picked up his now soaked backpack and left the roof, Detective Samuels now long charred corpse still twitching from the electricity coursing through it. One final chuckle escaped his lips as Havok climbed down the fire escape, he'd always wanted to go to California.