In the forest, nearby Jordan there is a rustling in the bushes. After several seconds of this a rabbit comes bursting across the trail quickly followed by a massive golden furred form. The giant beast snatches up the rabbit which squeaks frantically until with a sickening crunch, the Werelion form of Gharn Werefang bites down and ends the rabbit's suffering. He wears only a pair of leather breeches as he quickly devours his prey before finally noticing Jordan. He turns to him and blinks then turns back to human form. His mouth is still covered in blood, but he nods politely to Jordan. "Good morning." At the park, on the children's playground, Jirah is doing some gymnastics and parkour out of sheer boredom. She sits on top of the highest point in the playground, watching the people in the park. "Hm... Sooooo booooorrrrrreeed..." She backflips off the tower, lands lightly and goes for a walk around the park