[@ConteAmarula] Thank you for, well, being open to make changes :) And I'm sorry if I annoyed you, and while it's a moot point at this point, I'd like to elaborate a bit on what I meant. When I say you took control of Aleksandra, I did not mean that you had her do anything. Rather, you had her do [i]nothing.[/i] Lilian taking her sword, the shots hitting the creature, it pausing, and so on and so forth. There are quite a few points where Aleksandra could have done [i]something,[/i] but in your post Lilian continues as if Aleksandra hadn't done anything. That was, essentially, my point. It's an honest mistake, really, assuming that X character proceeds with the same cause of action (or lack thereof) in the period of time that ones own character does their stuff. I have done it myself. Please understand that I am [i]not[/i] doing this because I want to be a prick. Quite the opposite. I'm doing it because, if I don't, Mono would've had to contend with being overlooked, which is kind of a sour experience. I've had it happen to me, and I've done it myself. So, please, trust that I'm not out to be a dick. Lastly, I apologise for being a stick in the mud and for calling you out. I realise I probably made you feel... singled out, I suppose, but that wasn't my intention. I just want everyone to get an equal opportunity in this RP :) Also, as a side note, I'm not sure if either of you remember, but Lucie gave Aleksandra her revolver before she ran off to chase Isabeau a while back. As I recall, Aleksandra didn't register it, or dropped the gun, so there's a chance one of you'll find a fully loaded revolver in the grass somewhere nearby.