[h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] As Alexis went to get ready, Elias quickly climbed the side of the house and slid through his open window, changing clothes and grabbing his weapons. He unlocked his bedroom door and quickly went back out to the stables where he led Hundar out of his pen and saddled him. Once Alexis arrived, the pair took off across the plain and into the woods, on the hunt. Elias' senses were highly sharpened as he kept an eye out for any kind of creature that would be a Wesen. The forest wasn't too dense, however the winding paths, rolling hills, and heavy foliage obstructed their view for more than about twenty feet. The wildlife darted through the underbrush around the pair, fleeing from the sudden disruptance in the quiet forest. From foxes to frogs, the diverse creatures were noted carefully by Elias. While most of the creatures he saw were rather useless to him aside from basic food purposes, there were a few that had ties to Wesen and that made them valuable. After almost an hour of travelling, the pair paused in a clearing. Elias guided Hundar into turning around to face Alexis and Merle, raising an eyebrow at her. [color=royalblue]"Where to?"[/color] [@Wick]