[center][h1][color=fff200]Aster Clement[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=fff200]Forest & Mountain Entrance[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=fff200][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Open[/center] [center][h2][color=fff200][i]Memories...[/i][/color][/h2][/center] [color=f49ac2]"Aster I-I'm sorry I should have told you about this..."[/color] A woman stuttered and sniffed as tears rolled down her eyes, she sat on an armchair in the middle of a cute little paisley patterned living room with a box television as she held a book in her hands one that Aster couldn't recall. The woman was Aster's mom Cynthia and they both were in the middle of a dilemma. Cynthia gasped shakily trying to keep the tears back [color=f49ac2]"I-I was afraid to tell you about your powers!"[/color] Cynthia said remorsefully. [color=fff200]"Afraid? You were afraid to let me know that I am a freak of nature!"[/color] Aster also had tears rolling down his cheeks, he felt a little overwhelmed and afraid. Cynthia took a deep breath before speaking up [color=f49ac2]"Aster honey I love you I was just trying to protect you!"[/color] Cynthia said in a motherly tone even though her composure was broken. Aster shook his head, his brown hair sweeping to the other side of his face [color=fff200]""But mom you could have told me I have a right to know who I am and who my dad was!"[/color] Cynthia shook her head [color=f49ac2]"Who he is honey you mean!"[/color] Aster gave Cynthia a confused look. [color=f49ac2]"I kept one other secret from you,"[/color] Aster frowned leaning against a wall [color=f49ac2]"Your father well he was a peculiar man..."[/color] [center]___________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [center][color=fff200][h2][i]Present Time[/i][/h2][/color][/center] Those thoughts drifted in and out of Aster's consciousness as he floated along a deer path, she kept his fathers origin a secret from him up until a year ago and what he learnt had shaken him to his core. His father was a Titan, Astraeus the Titan-god of Astrology and Father of the Stars which explained Aster's ability to see the stars clearly and other things that he had yet to understand. Aster hadn't really wanted to leave his mother all alone, but he had to learn more about himself and she knew that albeit regretfully so. Aster would have to get past the fact that he was leaving his old life behind and he had to grow up and be independent. Still Aster doubted himself though, how could anybody possibly accept a Demi-Titan like him? Cynthia had after all been trying to help him? Aster didn't know what to think anymore he was just to flustered with his life and all the moments that lead up to him going to Olympus a school for people like him. His thoughts were interrupted when he spotted a clearing up ahead, supposedly the entrance to the school and hopefully it was. Aster took his time in reaching the end of the forest path where he could hear the birds singing and the sun shining through the trees. The base of a mountain took its place in the large clearing where he assumed he would enter to find himself at the school he was destined to go to. [color=fff200]"Stupid destiny"[/color] Aster muttered as he floated towards the flat face of the mountains base where as he sensed would be the entrance to the school. Aster reached the face of the mountain and stood there for a moment [color=fff200]"Uh open sesame?"[/color] he mumbled. He then decided to touch the wall, but his fingers slid through the wall like it wasn't even there. [color=fff200]"Oh should've guessed!"[/color] he chuckled to himself then ended his floating state and stepped through the magical barrier, but as he took a step his foot caught a rock and he tripped and fell through the barrier instead. [center]___________________________________________________________________________________________[/center]